14. Sorting Hat

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the scene started and show all the pupils that was on the train getting out the 2nd years-7th years got into the carrieges that was pulled by 'Thestrals' that only people who had seen death can see this creatures the 1st years got into the boats that was going across the black lake to the underground passage that will lead them into the huge oak-doors that open to the Great Hall. when the all got there Prof. Mcgonagall greet them "Welcome, in just a few moments you'll step into the Great Hall and joined your fellow students but before that you need to be sorted in your house, house points will be taken and give at your houses for triumph and failure, l suggest you all fix yourselves while l got it ready" Prof. Mcgonagall said, Rose handed Trevor cage to Neville and Neville thank her and Steph for finding him "So, it's true then of what are they saying on the train Harry Potter had come to Hogwarts" 'Draco Malfoy' said loudly that everyone heard it Steph wasn't very pleased on how the Malfoy boy was acting so she come closer to her brother and listen intently on what are they talking about "This Crabbe and Goyle and l'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" Draco said and Ron snickered. "what, think my name is funny, no need to ask yours red-hair and a hand-me-down robe you must a Weasley, you soon find out that other wizarding families are better than yours Potter, you don't want making friends with the wrong sort l can help you with that" Draco said again offering Harry a hand shake "Thank's, but l think l know the wrong sort myself" Harry said and leave Malfoy standing there shocked of his rejection "l suggest you close your mouth Malfoy you don't want any flies, flying in" Steph said facing the shocked Draco "l'm not in the mood Evans" Draco said, going back on his line earlier "were ready for you" Prof. Mcgonagall said, and she lead them into the Great Hall. 

"You can tell Harry and Steph are siblings they're both got Lily's way of words" said Remus 

  Prof. Mcgonagall got a parchment and place a hat in a stool the Sorting Hat sang it song and Prof. Mcgonagall started calling out names "Abott, Hannah" a girl with strawberry-blonde hair and brown eyes, she place the hat on her head and it shouted "Hufflepuff" and the girl make her way to yellow table represanted by the 'badger' the animal that represent 'loyalty' "Bones, Susan" was also sorted into "Hufflepuff", "Boot, Terry" Prof. Mcgonagall call out a boy with black hair and blue eyes, got to the stool and place the hat on his head the hat shouted "Ravenclaw" and the boy walk onto the blue table with the 'eagle' banner the animal that represent 'intelligence' , "Brown, Lavender" was called and was sorted into "Gryffindor"  she make her way in the red table that was represented by a 'lion' the animal that represent 'courage and bravery', "Bulstrode, Millicent" was called and was sorted in "Slytherin" she make her way into the green emerald table represented by a snake the animal that represent 'cunningness and ambitions', "Chang, Cho" was sorted into "Ravenclaw", "Crabbe, Vincent" was sorted in "Slytherin"along with "Davis, Traycey"       "Evans, Stephanie" Prof. Mcgonagall called and the whole great hall pupils break into murmered of whisper Steph place the hat in her head "Slytherin" it shouted after three minutes and Steph walk happily and she seat down on the middle bench of the Slytherin table greeted by their head boy 'Adrien Pucey', "Finnigan, Seamus" was sorted into "Gryffindor", "Flint-Fletchey, Justin" was put in "Hufflepuff", "Goyle, Gregory" was put in "Slytherin", "Granger, Hermione" was sorted in "Gryffindor" and her sister "Granger, Rose" was sorted into "Hufflepuff", "Longbottom, Neville" was put in "Gryffindor", "Lovegood, Dawn" was put in "Ravenclaw", "Malfoy, Draco" was sorted in "Slytherin" along with "Parkinson, Pansy", "Patil,Padma" was sorted in "Gryffindor" along with her sister "Patil, Pavarti", "Perks, Sally" was sorted in "Slytherin", then it was "Potter, Harry" it took the hat seven minutes to decide until it shouted "Gryffindor" and Harry make his way to Gryffindor table congrtulated by their prefect 'Percy Weasley', "Thomas, Dean" and "Weasley, Ronald" was sorted in "Gryffindor" and last "Zabini, Blaise" was sorted in "Slytherin" 

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