23. Davis Manor

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as the movie flashback to December 23 Stephanie was talking to Blaise, Traycey and Pansy "Are you sure, l mean if she can't control it she made need something to blocked it" said Stephanie "l don't know Steph, but l don't want her going to Hogwarts like she's someone you should be scared to she will never make friends" said Traycey 

"Who are you talking about?" Asked Sirius 

"Your niece" said Traycey

"But l don't have a niece" said Sirius

"You'll see" said 'Arinya 

" l know, but l can't blocked or teach her control without seeing her condition" said Stephanie "l know, why don't you stay with us for Christmas and Blaise will bring Richelle with him" suggest Traycey "Alright, l'll come, are you in Pansy?" Asked Stephanie "of course l am in, you'll need me more than you need Blaise" said Pansy that causes Blaise to yelled 'Hey!', Stephanie chuckle, quietly "she's right" she said, that causes Blaise to walk out of the common room.

back to present time December 24, it was the Christmas dinner of the Davis family it was a beautiful night Traycey,Stephanie and Pansy are waiting for Blaise and Richelle while Mrs. Davis was preparing dinner. One pop and Blaise was there with Richelle "Traycey!!" Shouted Richelle running to her and hugging her "hello, Rich l'm so happy your here, these are my friends Stephanie and Pansy their gonna help you with your Legillimency " said Traycey, hugging her back. 

"Legillimency? But l never knew, h-how?" Asked Sirius 

"I don't know asked Regulus" answered Stephanie 

"hello, Richelle l'm Stephanie" said Stephanie introducing herself "and l'm Pansy" said Pansy "she's a bitch" commented Blaise "am not" defended Pansy "hi" said Richelle waving at them "so, let's have dinner and you'll tell Pansy and Stephanie your problem, alright" said Traycey and everyone agreed. 

it was now Christmas morning and the scene change location to Hogwarts the professors were surprise when every one of them got presents and a note from the 'half-blood Royalty' 

" ooh, who's the half-blood Royalty?" Asked Fred 

"We don't know" said Arinya

Harry open his present from his sister it was a  snitch watch locket

Harry open his present from his sister it was a  snitch watch locket

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 and a lot of sweets 

"l like the locket" said James 

"I still wear it" said Harry 

and Harry was surprise when he get an invisibility cloak from an anonymous person it just said that it was his dads. 

as the scene change back to Davis Manor it was Stephanie, Pansy and Richelle talking and exchanging gifts "here, Richelle you can blocked your power if you don't want to use it, open it" said Stephanie, Richelle open the present it was a sunglasses

as the scene change back to Davis Manor it was Stephanie, Pansy and Richelle talking and exchanging gifts "here, Richelle you can blocked your power if you don't want to use it, open it" said Stephanie, Richelle open the present it was a sunglasses

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 "it can turn to a  headband

 just press the letters, see" said Pansy turning it "thank you" said Richelle

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 just press the letters, see" said Pansy turning it "thank you" said Richelle. "Hey, Steph there's another present for you here" said Pansy "thanks Pansy, but there's no note just a key"

 "Hey, Steph there's another present for you here" said Pansy "thanks Pansy, but there's no note just a key"

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said Stephanie "l wonder, what open it" wondered Pansy.

"the key of Library of Legends" said Stephanie

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