Dread In The Air

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After the opening, Leonardo Lionheart sits in his office with his head in his hands. From offscreen, Arthur Watts opens the door to the room.

Watts: Are we ready?

Lionheart lifts his head to look at Watts as he closes the door behind him and steps into the room. A brief exchange of looks is made as Lionheart turns his head away from Watts who smirks in response. The two soon enter a secret hallway adjacent to the office. At the end of the curved hallway is a circular room containing a Seer Grimm.

Watts: After you.

Watts pushes Lionheart closer to the Seer Grimm.

Lionheart: Your Grace, are... you there?

The red smoke-like substance contained in the head of the Seer Grimm shifts to form an image of Salem, Dharak, and Cinder Fall at their location in the Land of Darkness.

Salem: Hello, Leonardo. Do you have something to report?

Salem and Cinder are also looking through a Seer Grimm to communicate with Lionheart and Watts.

Lionheart: Of course, ma'am. I would not waste your time, if not.

Watts: I'm still just so fascinated by this creature. Cinder dear, are we coming through? (tapping the Seer) Can you see us clearly? Well, as clearly as you can.

Cinder: (annoyed) Shut... up.

Watts: (sarcastic) Oh goody, you've recovered.

Salem: Your report. What is it?

Lionheart: I've... I've found the Spring Maiden.

Salem: Is that so? Well done. Arthur, had I known how useful you'd be in expediting this process, I would've sent you long, long ago.

Watts: As much as I'd love to take credit, ma'am, I can't say that either of us are to thank for this development. I guess you could say, a little birdie told us.

Salem: Explain.

Lionheart: You see, ma'am, Qrow Branwen arrived at Haven Academy earlier today. He believes Spring has taken residence with his sister's tribe.

Dharak: So he survived.

Cinder: Is... the girl... with him?

Watts: Yes, Miss Rose was in attendance.

Dharak: Was Drago there as well?

Watts: Thankfully no he wasn't.

Salem: And you know of the tribe's location?

Lionheart: Yes ma'am! But you have to hurry! Qrow is already at odds with my--

Salem makes a face of annoyed concentration and in response one of the Seer Grimm's tentacles shoots out to wrap around Lionheart's throat and choke him.

Salem: Leonardo, do you remember the first time we met? I remember. I remember your fear. But, since that day, you've been extraordinarily brave. I won't forget all that you've done for me. Do not forget everything that I can do to you.

The Seer Grimm slowly brings the point of another tentacle close to the face of Lionheart before drawing it back. Within the orb of the Seer Grimm, Salem makes a gesture, and the tentacle simultaneously releases him from the chokehold. Lionheart coughs and gasps for breath.

Salem: Cinder you, Dharak, and your team will meet with Doctor Watts, and together, convince Raven Branwen that the survival of her people depends on her cooperation. Once you have Spring under control, escort her to the Relic and contact Hazel. The White Fang was promised the destruction of Haven, and they'll have it once we have what we need.

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