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"It's a cold winter, ain't it, boy?" a man with dirty, ginger hair tied back in a ponytail had just spoken, he was wearing a long overcoat, leather and black, and it reached his knees, it was probable that it had been stolen, since the rest of his clothes were raggedy, dirty and mismatched. He grinned, revealing a set of teeth that had not been completed, or perhaps had been completed, only to be ruined by incidents of varying matters.

He was looking at a boy, he had short brown hair that looked like it had been cut by a drunk man with a knife. He wore a short sleeved shirt, that was supposed to be white but had been tainted brown by mud and dirt. He replied to the man, "Yes, Bryan, lucky we found this house, really..." Contrasting to the red-haired man, he spoke softly, as if afraid to speak to loud because it may provoke the man to hurt him.

"Righ'!" Bryan slurred, "Le's search the house! Gotta make sure that we really are alone, don' we?"

The boy nodded, and set off into another room, he walked into the kitchen, it was clear that it was the kitchen because there was a stove, and a metal pan was sitting on top. He looked at it, it had ketchup all over it, it seemed that the person who was using the ketchup was quite clumsy because it had been sprayed everywhere, maybe it had burst? He heard a low rumbling sound, and realised that the stove was still on. He switched it off so it didn't catch fire.

He decided to leave the kitchen, he went back into the room they had first entered in, presumably the living room. Of course, Bryan was not contributing to searching the house at all but was instead sprawled on the sofa, sleeping. He sighed.

But something wasn't right. There was a metallic stench in the air, something that he was vaguely familiar with but couldn't quite place. He suddenly had a flashback to the time when Bryan was slashed by a knife and blood had poured all over him. He suddenly realised, that the stench in the air was the stench of blood. The stench of death.

He turned his head slowly towards Bryan, and realised that he was completely still. Not a sound was coming from him, and usually when Bryan slept he would snore loudly. His chest was not rising and falling, as it should be. And he saw something else, something that he had not noticed before, a large pool of blood underneath where Bryan lay. He realised why this house was empty, why the stove was still on and why ketchup had been sprayed everywhere.

There was an Akuma.

He felt water drip on his shoulder. Huh, it's raining. He thought. And then remembered that he was inside, he touched his shoulder. Whatever had dripped on him was slimy and sticky. He looked up, and the Akuma dropped down, screeching like a wolf howled to the moon. But instead, it howled to death. 

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