The Town called Lonely

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Kyra's POV
While mom drove and dad yelled at her from the front seat of the car, I distracted myself with the music of my ipod. We left a perfectly good home in the city for a small town somewhere I don't even know... all I know is that it's on the outskirts of America. Anyways about me, my name is Kyra. Kyra moon. I am 16 years old and I have three younger siblings. One named Lillian (14 years old) Cheyenne (13 years old) and Luke (8 years old). Now my skin color is a very nice tan, I have blue eyes and long dirty blonde hair. I'm an average hight of 5/4 and I love mythology and psychology. I'm not exactly happy that we moved but... it's alright if it helps my parents marriage. Not that I honestly care if it helps. I just want my mom happy, my dad can go die. My thoughts were interrupted when my dad yelled in my direction, " Hey!" He yelled rudely. I calmed my nerves and spoke up, "What? I couldn't hear you, I had my music in. Sorry". He glared at me with hatred in his eye's. Man I fucking hated him. "Well maybe I need to take that iPod away if... his voice paused as we pulled up to a sign welcoming us to the town called Lonely.

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