(1) The Punishment

385 9 11

3rd P.O.V

    On Coruscant, one would consider things normal or even well, or as well as things can be during wartime. There was nothing strictly out of the ordinary besides the strange new patron or two in a few seedy bars, a new mercenary popping up as old ones are taken down, or even so-called spying the people of the overworld do in the underworld of Coruscant; the ones that find home in the underworld always know. The same could be said in the Jedi Temple if the emptiness of the halls were normal

    Nothing was out of place, the younglings were being taught, the archives had padawans doing rounds as punishment, the younglings were still fighting each other to gain a master, and the halls still had masters, guards, knights, younglings, and droids mindlessly chattering to one another. Even if there was a notable decrease since the start of the war. Nothing was out of the ordinary, nothing except in the Jedi High Council Chamber, where a meeting was currently being conducted. 

    If one were to barge in right that second, they wouldn't see anything wrong to suggest such abnormality. At first glance, one would say the room was very large, open, and baron save the circle of seats. Some of those seats were empty, yes, but to be expected during the war as they were off leading their battalions. Some were empty because of unfortunate passing, and while it saddened those in the room they decided not to dwell on it as everyone dies eventually. One such empty seat belongs to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. While, not a rare occurrence, it is unheard of when said Jedi Master has been on-world for a day and has never missed a meeting unless something of significant importance sprung up. According to Mace Windu, he commed Obi-Wan last night about a matter of significant importance, and he's usually early for those matters. Even if he hasn't slept in days.

    This thought went through every council member there, whether in person or through Holo. That is till the thought 'It must be Skywalker.'  Crossed their minds causing them to sigh before resuming their duties. They were discussing the war, as usual, and its effects on the Jedi. More than a quarter have had darker thoughts and tendencies, and more than one master has felt at least ten knights who are grayer in the force. While they would never admit it, it was frightening and the numbers grew every day. To say all of them, from Jedi masters to younglings who saw nothing of the horrors were ready for the separatists to be defeated was an understatement. The tricky part? Not resorting to overly violent tendencies to do so, for the battle is truly lost if the Jedi lose sight of their ideals. 

    'Something Skywalker needs to realize.' Mace thought bitterly, 'He is a Sith waiting to reveal himself.' Skywalker's violent and reckless tendencies uneased them, no matter if he got results, he required control. Something he seemed to know nothing about. He's a time bomb that had the council anxiously waiting for the final zero to 'tick'. But back to the war, the Council proceeded to summarize the war effort since their last meeting. Their wins, their losses; the clones were included, when the next battle was, what has happened in the senate, and their worries about the sith. It was very productive, even without Obi-Wan and his detailed recounting even if Windu read from his reports. 

    The meeting was about to be adjourned when the doors swung open to reveal Obi-Wan Kenobi as he glided into the room, his robes flowed behind him. "I apologize for my late arrival. I overslept, this last campaign exhausted me." Half of the council nodded in acceptance, they heard about Kenobi and his men holding their base for weeks without food or proper medical supplies in the outer rim. 

    A look around the room showed Mace, his face set in a scowl. "Many of us are out on the field at this moment and had the time to join us on time." He growled out.

    "Then I'm sure they won't condemn me for getting a bit of rest while here." Obi-Wan retorted.

    Mace growled out a sighed. "Any news regarding your recent campaign." He knew he couldn't win against 'The Negotiator' as Obi-Wan has been so aptly named.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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