Chapter 1

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Okay, toothbrush, toothpaste, flat iron, bobby pins, clothes, phone charger, phone, keys.

Lauren ran through her mental list for the umpteenth time, making sure she didn't miss anything. Deciding she should go before she was late, she grabbed her suitcase and got into Jeff's car, Julia, Jaime, Denise, Jeff, and Meredith already buckled in.

"Okay Jeff, to the buses!" Jaime read off the directions from her phone.

Her mind started to daze off when her phone started blasting Avril Lavigne's "Best Damn Thing" out through its speaker.

"Hello?" She picked it up. Joey's voice spoke through the other side.

"Hey Lo!" Was just checking up on you since you guys were running late. Everything okay?"


"Okay, thanks. I'll tell the others. Over and out!"

"Over and out," She laughed, pressing the red end call button.

- - -

Stepping out into the Walmart parking lot, the sight of a dozen people and two large buses made Lauren's stomach flip flop with excitement. Getting to perform with everyone on Space Tour and have the crowd sing along was amazing, getting to do it again? Even better.

"Yeaaah! Now we can leave!" Jim and Walker high fived each other.

"Oh shut up. Odds are, you two are going to take the longest in makeup," Jaime burst into laughter at Julia's comment.

"Whatever." Joe shrugged.

"This is Dave," one of the drivers stepped forward and shook everyone's hands. "And Mark," Brolden introduced everyone.

"So who's ready to get on the road? We're going to hit the West Coast first, meet your little Glee friend, then make our way South, into the midwest, and finish in NYC," Dave gave them the game plan.

"Sounds good to me!"

"Let's do this!"


"Apocalyptour on 3!"





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