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My eyes fly open with tears endlessly falling from them. The dream I had felt so real that I'm pissed I even woke up. My mom, dad, and my brothers... it was like nothing had changed. Except, every time I tried to reach them, the path between us would stretch out as if trying to keep me away.

That's when I knew I was dreaming. That the truth I was avoiding waited for me on the other side of my clenched eyelids.

But I don't want that truth.

I want to erase the past twenty-four hours from my mind and be blissfully unaware of the world-shattering truth everyone has been keeping from me.

That is, until Rasan stirs beside me, and my eyes fly open with the realization that he's mere inches from my face. And I must say... he's just as sexy when he's sleeping as he is when he's awake. With his muscle shirt lifted up just enough for me to get a glimpse of the rock-hard abs he hides beneath.

Abs that belong to me if I dared to indulge myself.

While he lies sleeping beside me, I take in all his features. Admiring each one of them. He could have taken advantage of me last night, and there was a part of me that thought he would, but he didn't. Proving that he's better than most guys I know. But it also goes to show how much control and restraint he has.

Unlike me.

All I can think about right now is kissing his perfectly sinful lips. He gave me strength last night when I had none. And he was my anchor when I felt lost in the sea of emotion that swept over me.

In a sea of pain and lies.

Pain and lies coming from the people I trusted most in life. People who have let me down.

Everyone except him.

No matter how ugly something is, he always gives it to me straight. Which is why I owe him the truth.

All of it.

And may the chips fall where they may.

Cupping my hand to his cheek, I use my thumb to gently stroke his cheekbone, which causes him to stir. He opens his eyes, and those rich pools of chocolate delve into mine. Then they lower to my lips and pause.

I want him to kiss me. To drown out the pain I feel deep in my heart. And I'm done running from this.

From him.

From us.

I'm also done clinging to a life that wasn't real to begin with. If I'm going to die... I want to know love first.



Unconditional love.

So, I throw caution to the wind and capture Rasan's lips with my own. Slipping my tongue into his mouth and allowing myself to taste him.

He growls pleasurably against my mouth. With his grip tightening on my waist as he pulls me into him. Gripping a handful of my glutes, and sliding his hand down, down, down until it cuffs behind my knee. Then he pulls my leg over his waist. Only, I do him one better and force him back. Straddling him without our lips ever breaking contact.

I need this.

I need him.

I need us.

Grinding against his shaft, a shiver of pleasure ricochets through me. His package is both impressive and frightening, and I'm contemplating just how far I'm willing to let this go when he flips us over so he's on top. His hands burning his touch all over me.

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