Miya Twins

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this might connect with the atsumu lemon, so . . . you might wanna read that, too? definitely optional, both can be read separately, but you'd get the full experience if you read the atsumu one and then this one!!


"Atsumu! You're late!" I rapped on the door of Atusmu's classroom before I spotted him arguing with his brother, Osamu. The class had all but emptied, as the bell rang nearly half an hour ago.

The two of them were near the front of the classroom, with Atsumu sitting down and Osamu leaning over his brother's desk, gesturing wildly with his hands. Needless to say, he looked pissed.

Atsumu looked just as annoyed if his hands clenching the collar of Osamu's jacket wasn't indicative enough of that.

The twins' bickering immediately stopped when they heard me approach, with Atsumu letting go of his brother's shirt as he gathered his stuff.

"Sorry, I got held up." Atsumu tried to stand up but was pushed back in his seat by Osamu.

My eyes widened as Osamu barrelled towards me, yanking me out of the classroom by my wrist.

"Hey, wait, what are you doing?"

He led me to a deserted classroom, locking the door after himself before turning to stare me down. "What are you playing at?"

I glared at the spitting image of Atsumu. "You tell me. You're the one who yanked me here without an explanation."

"Exams and nationals are coming up. And you're, what, fucking my brother during your tutoring sessions?" Osamu jabbed an agitated finger out the classroom door.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Is that what he told you? It was once, and that was two weeks ago."

"Oh yeah? So are you two an item now? Or did you just fuck one time in a fucking classroom for funsies?"

I snorted at Osamu's interesting language. "Why do you care? What's it to you?"

"I care because he's getting distracted from volleyball. He's staring out of the windows during class, for fuck's sake."

"Dial back on the profanities, will you? And if you really cared, you'd know that Atsumu's been getting better grades."

That made Osamu shut up.

"So try again. Why are you actually angry?"

"I- Volleyball. He's not focusing during practice." Osamu choked out.

I smiled coldly. "Well, that's really not my problem, is it? After all, I'm just his academics tutor."

Osamu was blinking rapidly, lips moving but no sound coming out as he struggled to pull another excuse out of his ass.

I moved to unlock the door behind him.


"What?" I sighed in exasperation.

"I- I can- I'm- I'm . . . better."

It was a sight, watching the usually calm and collected half of the twins struggle for words, voice stuttering and eyes darting around anxiously.

"Better at what?" Half of me was annoyed, but the other half of me was amused if I was being honest with myself.

Osamu gulped. "Everything. I'm better than Atsumu at everything."

I pushed open the classroom door. "It's not a competition, Osamu. Besides, your brother and I aren't even dating. Why feel threatened when there's no threat whatsoever?" Chuckling, I moved past him to step out.

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