Jasper's Loss

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A/N This is another dive into Jasper's (from chapter 1's) life, where we get to see another instance of the otherworld he roams. It is set at a later date, not directly followed on.

I hope you enjoy it!


"Let me just taste it, it won't hurt."

Jasper wasn't one for ballrooms, dress-up and dances

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Jasper wasn't one for ballrooms, dress-up and dances. He often found the stench of overindulged fragrances that loitered the dance room would sting his nostrils and burn his throat. He preferred not to have to dress up for the liking of others, of course, that didn't mean he didn't like to look well dressed, just not for occasions like these. As much as he hated it, Nila--his soon-to-be bride--adored flaunting her beauty at events. So silently, begrudgingly, he partook in such for her.

The ballroom was grand, two walls were almost completely mirror-filled, each mirror in the shape of a semistadium, large curves topping each rectangle. Following the bends, colourful floral bunting hung from the caramel ceiling, dipping lower at certain points than others. Decor was in every place the eye could see, over-the-top grandeur for any ball of course. Wooden carved tables filled the outer rim, all draped with a pastel sheet with shining cutlery neatly on top, a vase of pastel flowers centred too.

Jasper let a quiet wisp of a sigh escape as he took in the site. It was the usual, nothing spectacular. To be honest, he was becoming bored of the repetitiveness he found here.

He placed his mask upon his face - oh yes - this was a masquerade ball to Jasper's very...eager delight and adjusted his arm so Nila could slide her own between his.

The only joy he found so far was being able to adorn a mask that reflected who he truly was without straightforwardly exposing himself, not that he would mind, nothing ever became an end-game for him. His mask covered both eyes, his nose and the top of his lips, the bottom of it held two large fangs that dangled below his lips. If he was to smile, it would make it seem as though the fangs were his own. It featured dark swirls and heavy shadowing, creating depth and creases to give a deeply disturbing look.

Masks were for the shy and insecure, but one that stated his being he would wear. He wanted people to know what he was without necessarily saying the words.

His loyal lady though chose to wear a mask that didn't depict herself. Instead, it was lacy and skinny, covering her eyes only. It had a slightly dramatic look, with curls of lace dangling down from each side - this was a fashion choice though, to match her dress. Which, was lacy, flouncy and long. It covered all of her body, with - like her mask - long lace curls that flowed along her back down to the ground, almost like a veil, but shredded.

"Try not to stand on it," she would joke before entering the ballroom.

Jasper wouldn't wish to cause a scene that could end up with people laughing at him - them. No, that's not the kind of scene Jasper would prefer.

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