chapter 2: the confession

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Damn it .. you sighed. How do I tell chips I like him...?. Mugman put a hand on your shoulder witch scared the shit out of you. DAMNIT MUGMAN. You screamed. Sorry!! You have some tables.... He said shyly.

You walked over to a table. Chips was sitting at the table. Oh, hey [Y/N]. Chips said. H-hey, chips. What can I do for you..?
Get me some gin, please? S-sure!.. you said. Thanks doll!.. you came back and handed him the gin. Hey um chips? You asked. Yes? I- I um have a c- UM NEVERMIND... No, tell me. He said reassuringly. I like you, and I really have liked you for a long time.. so... Um. Heh, will you go on a date with me? Why, sure [Y\N]. I'd love to! He said. YES!!!!!

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