~Late night snacks~

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Kyle and Stan are dating here!

Kyle POV:

My body wakes me up in the dead of the night. I can feel warm arms around me, cuddling me. This isn't exactly new... Ive been waking up at absurd times lately, and I have no reason why.

But anyways, I do what I've grown accustomed to do every night now. I shuffle out of my lovers arms, trying my best not to wake him up.

Finally escaping his grasp I sit up and rub my eyes. Time to see what time I woke up today.


Geez that's a new record- Anywho, I slowly make my way out of bed and stand up. Like every night I know I won't be able to sleep again. So I just make the most of it I guess.

I walk to the kitchen in a zombie like manner- posture bad, arms dangling, and thick eye bags.

I lean against the counter on the kitchen, staring at the floor. Ive seemed so out of it recently... I think Stan is catching on, I hope not, I don't want to worry him.

Finally retracting myself from my thoughts I glance over at the fridge. Some food sounds really nice right now..

With that I pull myself off the counter and open the fridge. Taking a quick glance around the fridge, seeing nothing in particular... Until I lay eyes on some left over chicken from last night.

I decide to take it out the fridge and heat it up in the microwave. Of course i'm as quiet as I could be, gentle placing the chicken in the microwave and carefully clicking the 30 second button.

I open the microwave right as it turns to 1 second. Then delicately opening the door and taking out my food.

Reaching over I grab a fork and look down at my food. I debated weather I should eat here or the living room... In the end I choose here- the counter, just to save the noise and effort.

I start to divulge into the chicken, taking in each bite slowly.

Something wraps around my waist.

My eyes burst open and my reflex swung my body around.

My hand is instinctively above my head ready to stab the shit out of someone with this fork.

Looking at the culprit it's- Stan?

"Stan?.." My hand that was once above my head slowly moves to my side. "Why are you up so late?" My voice begins to become soothing.

"I could ask you the same thing.." He looks at me with a tired face. "Come back to beddd..." he doesn't hesitate to stuff his head into my neck. "I'm eating right now" I say pointing to my food with my fork.

"...Come to bed" His head was still resting in my neck. I could still hear his tone, stern and worrisome. "I will just let me finis-" I was quickly cut off. "Bed." I glance over to be met with the raven haired boy glaring at me.

His chin was resting on my shoulder now, and his face had gone from tired and groggy to stern and grave.

"Why so pushy?" I ask very shocked by his sudden change in emotions.

"...Just come on" And with that he scoops me off my feet. "HEY!" I yell-whisper, just so I don't wake his parents or sister.

"Your going to bed." He's looking straight forward, not daring to glare at me.

"Stan why are you being so pushy? All I wanted was to finish my food- hell- I couldn't even clean up the food." I speak semi angry at his random burst of coldness.

He says nothing until we get into his room. He sit me down on my feet and shuts the door behind us. "Well? Care to explain"

He gives a long semi frustrated sigh in response. "Fine- Just listen to me fully, mk?" a burst of curiosity and worry wave over me- he only says that stuff when he's serious...

"I know about you not getting any sleep lately" My eyes goes wide. He knows??? I thought I was perfect at hiding it, and being quiet when walking around his house? I just have to play it cool.

"What? just because I woke up at 3 AM one-"

"It hasn't been 'one night'. It's been going on consistently for the past 2 weeks." He gives me that look i've grown to hate.

It's the look of him seeing right through my lies.

It's happened so many times before... I used to be severely depressed and during that he had grown accustomed to picking at my lies. Even if they were really small lies.

"..." I look at the ground beside me, i'm slightly frustrated. Why does he make it a big deal? My hands slowly start to curl into fists dangling at my sides.

"Don't be mad Ky... I know your gonna say it's not a big deal but you really do need rest."

Ugh I hate when he can predict my phrases. "I'm not... I'm slightly mad" He steps closer to me, a sympathetic look on his face. "Please Ky?..." He asks- no- begs from me.

He begins to carefully wrap his hands around my waist. "At least try?.." He gives me a those god damn puppy eyes.

I shove my hand into his face and look away. I mumble angrily "Don't give me those cute puppy eyes". Although he doesn't stop, he just seems to continues with bigger, more pleading eyes.

"Your annoying" I say with a dumb grin. "Pleaseeee..?" I push his body away still grinning. "Yea yea...Just for you though" I say that last part under my breath.

And with that he scoops me off my feet and carry's me brittle style. He has a stupid smile plastered on his face, looking at me like i'm some kind of god. He carry's me over to the bed and lays me down carefully "Sleep". Anddd back to the stern Stan-

I give a small huff and lay on my side to show my annoyance. I can feel Stan scooting himself into the sheets behind me. I'm quickly caught off guard by a arm slithering around my waist.

My eyes slightly widen, that is until I quickly realize what's going on. "I don't think i'll be able to sleep.." I openly admit to Stan. I don't want to get in bed and lay down just to unfulfill his request.

"You wanna bet?" I cant see him but I can just TELL he has a sly smirk on his face. I'm flipped around to be met with Stan's chest, and the familiar raven haired boy staring down at me.

"Now just close your eyes and let me do the work" I glance up at him to try and read his emotions, but I cant.

Doing as I was told I close my eyes.

Stans POV:
Also sorry this has mostly been kyle pov-

I hold onto Kyle tightly, peering down at him stuffed into my chest. I give a small smile then put my 'plan?' into action.

I carefully lifted Kyle's shirt- just enough to expose his waist and some of his torso. Moving my hand to his waist and slowly rub. With this being done I can feel Kyle cling onto me.

Second step is to take my free hand and move it to his hair, which I do with no hesitation. I attentively run my fingers through some curls of his.

I take a small glance at the boy close to me, his face is a bright red- and his eyes are still closed.

And the final step, and most important step- Affection.

I start to pepper kisses on his forehead, kissing with the upmost delicacy. After about 2 minutes it's time for the word part-

"Just relax baby... your fine right here in my arms" I speak with my soothing voice. I can feel him doing as told- his grip become loose and his breath starts to slow.

"Your doing great, keep your eyes closed and focus on my touch..." I continue to rub his waist and run my fingers through his hair.

Soon enough I can feel his breathing get into a rhythm, glancing down at the ginger I see this mouth slightly ajar, indicating he's asleep.

I give him one last forehead kiss and begin to close my own eyes.

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