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Today's snow had been the cleanest snow in quite a while. Cocoa felt a sense of relief upon finding the streets had already been cleared, knowing she'd feel pretty bad if she were to disturb such beauty by walking upon it. The thin layer that was starting to form again had been walked on, already– all sorts of snow boots had already made their mark.

She was known for being late, usually caught up with mishaps that her sweet little heart couldn't ignore. Tonight, however, her journey would only house herself alone. Fate wouldn't dare interrupt the sweet lady who snuggled herself more and more into the cape she had sewn herself. She was headed towards the town square, recalling the text she'd received that very morning.

Would you like to go see the lights with me, tonight? it read, making her heart skip a beat. Mint Choco, her dear boyfriend.. Ah, it was around this time they had made it official, huh? Cocoa felt rather proud of herself, knowing very well that the way she hid Mint Choco's gift for their fourth anniversary behind their large bag of rice would ensure he'd never find it. He didn't care for Basmati rice all too much, as that was more of a Cocoa thing.

Sure! You get off work at six, right? Are you coming home to get ready? her reply came out extremely fast, as she didn't wish to waste even a moment. Her breath hitched when she saw how quickly he was typing.

I do, but I'll meet you there at about 6:30. Have a lovely day, dearest.


Bedhead still a mess, she threw herself on their bed and instinctively hid her face in her pillow. The nickname always made her lose her mind, chubby cheeks growing a bright red. She hadn't changed from when they'd met as teenagers, huh..? Even if no one was there to see it but the posters of old music legends Mint Choco loved so much, she erupted with a bright smile.

That led her to now. She was lucky to have so much time to get ready, fearing a repeat of Mint Choco's concert which she was unable to attend. The road had people left and right, all invested in their own conversations. She peeked at her phone, looking for the time. Six-fifteen.. She was doing great. Mint Choco would be somewhere around the town square soon, considering the time it took for him to usually arrive from his workplace. They had both definitely noticed that his music career was taking off, though; suddenly, bills weren't as stressful and they were allowing themselves to have a bit more fun. They weren't insanely rich, but life was much more comfortable these days.

Mint Choco deserved it. She remembered feeling her heart pang as she saw him struggling, hearing of how he'd often do without medicine he so desperately needed. He couldn't often eat healthy foods, often panicking and offering to repay her as soon as he could for something as small as a brunch date. He was still within such a mindset, too; even nowadays, he was nervous about something as small as a phone charger beginning to act odd. Despite his fears, however, one thing was solid– he would never hesitate to donate to someone in need. He had been there, too, even if he couldn't grasp that he was now far from it.

Cocoa was proud of him. She had found herself a good man. She just hoped that she was as good of a girlfriend as he was good to her. All the times she asked him for advice, all the times she would ask him to taste her cooking or for help opening jars when she was perfectly capable, watching him light up as he felt so strong..

This is love, her mind whispered. Her gloved hand met her face, typical blushing warmth offering a comfort to it. This is love, the best love I'll feel in my life. I love the way he sings in the shower, the way he screams when he sneezes, the way he's scared of the stand mixer.

Watching the fluffy snowflakes, she headed towards the center of the town square, where a massive tree stood with lights wrapped all around.


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