Funeral Letter

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Funeral Letter
I've been preparing this because I knew this funeral was coming,
I was told to expose all my feelings and keep it one hundred,
It's hard to say goodbye to you because you were my best friend and my everything,
You were my something when I had absolutely nothing,
I have written so many poems and stories about your life,
All in hopes that one day you might,
Learn to love me like the ocean loves the sand,
I could explain it a million times and still no one could understand,
Why my innocence had to end,
All because of a boy who couldn't make up his mind,
I could not wait anymore so he ran out of time,
And because of his uncertainty your spirit had to die,
But your next life has started in me,
No more burdens on you because now you're free,
I love you enough for the both of us so I made the change,
Today I say goodbye to the old me,
Old Me withers away like a rose after no sunlight for long periods of time,
This new Me will get every bit of sunshine,
But the only difference between me and a flower,
Is that I won't blossom with the seasons but rather blossom all the time,
Without sunshine and water I'll still blossom just fine,
New me and new times,
In the jungle swinging on new vines,
A little more selfish but for the Benefit of my well being,
Things I don't want to but are still worth seeing,
Once a stupid young girl with wild dreams of a prince and a happy love,
Now focuses on things only sent from our God up above,
Just looking for someone to see,
That they could find the world in a simple girl like me,
Trying to be enough for everyone else but yet still enough of me to love myself,
Wondering if after all my good doing will someone stop for me and help,
But after sinking into hole and only having myself to climb out, I learned to scrape and scratch at the walls that entomb me,
Hoping that this worlds disease won't consume me,
I say goodbye to a little girl who knew all too soon what it was like to have loved and lost,
And tried to find love no matter the cost,
But this new me, the one who stands here in front of the world,
Found love in herself,
And now that I've found a love one with which I can't be disappointed,
I will say goodbye to the old me and rejoice,
The love was within me the whole time,
But I wasnt looking long enough,
Or maybe I wasn't looking far enough, because the journey to finding yourself is one of distance not time,
One of using your heart instead of your mind,
And boy did I use mine,
I'll always miss the old me, I'll never forget her,
But I think it's time to give her this funeral letter.

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