Chapter One: New Beginning

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Ever had to move to a new town, where everyone already knows everyone and calls your family devil worshipers? Well currently that is my life now, My grandfather, Abraham Rowan, lived in a town called Forks. Where everyone believed he worshipped the devil since he didn't leave his house much and did not talk to many people. People always spread stories how he was a witch and sacrificed forest animals to the devil for power. 

Well they were not wrong, well kind of. 

He was a witch, a powerful at that, but all the men prefer warlock since witches are normally associated with women. But he didn't worship the devil and kill the forest animals, he worshipped nature as he always believed that nature was the most important and helped to keep the balance of the world. 

My grandfather told my parents and my uncle that he needs help with the family business, his apothecary and bookshop shop. They all decided that we should all move back into the family home, so we can all help out with the business. 

So now we are all currently sitting in the family car, on the way to Forks, Washington. I am currently sitting in the middle of the car since Elizabeth and Victoria both wanted a window seat since we were going to be in the car for hours on end. My father is currently driving while my mother is passenger seat, reading the map since my father can not read a map to save his life.

"Are we almost there yet?" Elizabeth spoke while putting her head back in boredom. "You said that five minutes ago." Victoria spoke lifting her head from the grimoire in her lap and staring at Elizabeth. 

"Don't Worry, we are almost there. as long as your father follows my directions instead of following his memory" My mother spoke while staring at my father. My father claimed, we didn't need a map since he remembers the way but  he went right instead of left, like my mother said, stating that his memory of driving to Forks was well intacted but instead of going to works he almost drive all the way back to Seattle. 

"Hey, I don't have that bad of memory. It was one mistake." My father replied while looking at my mother from the corner of his eye. "At least, we aren't following Uncle again, we got lost and we were still in Vancouver" I spoke up placing my head on Elizabeth's shoulder. We all chuckle at my words, my uncle is a very kind person but he when it comes to directions he is not the greatest. We lived in Vancouver for all my life and still my uncle could not find his away around. 

"Is he still behind us?" Victoria said in worry, my uncle had to drive the other car with most of all our  belongings, none else could fit into the car so he had to be by himself, which he didn't mind since he could put his own music on without anyone complaining. 

"Don't worry, he still is. It looks likes he's listening to his rock music again." My sister speaks while turning her head back around from looking out the car's side window. We all turn our heads around to see my uncle head banging behind the wheel. My father looks from the car's wing mirror shaking his head at seeing his younger brother head bang to rock music. 

We continue the journey listening to my father music, we aren't allowed to complain as he always says "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cake hole.". We never argue as he would always just turn the music louder and louder. 

I stare out the front window looking at the sign of forks as we drive past, I understand why my parents wanted to move back and we all didn't have many friends back in Vancouver but it was familiar to me, so many memories were there. 

"Here we are, home sweet home" My father speaks breaking me out of my trance. I look out of the car window with my sisters . We stare at the old Victorian manor of Rowan. The manor looked straight out of a horror movie, which Victoria loved.

Nature's Balance - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now