Tommy Senthin - Solo Twin
Maya Truns - Stylist
Leon Trimins - Rich Guy
Vin Yure - Electrocuter
Tammie Lisas - Librarian
______________________________________Vin: well, I guess I should say sorry...
Leon: for what?
Vin: I'm sorry for putting you into all of that, I am the mastermind of all of that...
Tammie: why...?
Vin: the Spirits said I had to kill 20 criminals so they wouldn't kill me..
Maya: a-and...?
Vin: I only managed to kill 19 real evil criminals...
Tommy: how..?
Vin: Benjamin wasn't an actual criminal, he was said to force people to be test subjects, the subjects signed a form...
Leon: so you lied to us!?
Vin: I didn't lie about the spirits...
Vin's heart would be ripped out of his body by the spirits
4 Squares
Horreur4 Squares, 4 Survivors, 20 Victims (Note: This Won't Have Any Sequels)