Forever, My Love 01: The Young Vice President

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Good evening, everyone! And welcome to the first chapter of Forever, My Love ~ 😊
So let us all finally meet Morimachi Kenji, the young vice president of MxM Clothing Co. 😊

Enjoy reading, everyone and Happy Easter once again! ❤️

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Forever, My Love 01: The Young Vice President


"So this is your so-called presentation, Mr. Kawasaki? Because you honestly didn't hit even a small bit of my expectation." I asked him while sitting right in front of my desk here at my office. I just heave a sigh while looking at his designs. Is he serious? His designs are freaking so simple and don't even catch my attention.

"Moushiwake arimasen." I heard him say while bowing his head which made me just sighed once again as I closed his portfolio.

"I assigned you this because I saw your previous works and I was really impressed when I saw it. I was even confident that you can easily accomplish this task." I told him while still looking at him in disbelief. Now, I couldn't help but wonder… Was it really him who made those designs in the past? I mean, even a beginner can do this because these designs that he has made are all so simple. So just what happened to those designs that he has made in the past?

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Vice President. Please give me another chance to redo this. Onegai shimasu!" He said as he bow his head once again.

"Fine but the event is getting closer. You have to think of something more unique than this." I said as I tried to calm myself. Ah, geez. This is so freaking unbelievable. I didn't expect to see something like this from a person who has made designs that always exceed our expectations  ever since he got accepted into this company almost two years ago. My attention was suddenly averted when I heard my intercom suddenly beep.

"Yes?" I answered as I saw that it was from my secretary.

"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Jeremy Kitagawa is here to see you." I heard my secretary said which made me just nod.

"Okay. Let him in." I said sternly before hanging up. Let's get this done first.

"So what do you want me to do with these designs, Mr. Kawasaki?" I asked sternly while seriously looking at him. So now what? Should I just gave this task to someone? Why is he just staring at me like that?

"I-i'll make sure to get this done as soon as possible, sir. I promise you!" I heard him say which made me just nod as I gave him the signal to get his portfolio on my table.

"Okay and I expect you to keep your words, Mr. Kawasaki." I said which made me just nod his head.

"Yes, Mr. Vice President. Doumo arigatou gozaimasu!" I heard Mr. Kawasaki said which made me just nod before the door of my office suddenly opened and there I saw my friend whom I haven't seen that much these days.

"Yo!" Jeremy said while still smiling at me. Yeah, that's him. You guys know him, right? He is the famous producer who got nominated in an international academy awards last year… His name is none other than Jeremy Kitagawa.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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