REWRITE - 29 (a)

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a) give yourself up willingly

Well, you couldn't let your friends die for you. They had given their all and while it was unfortunate that the escape attempt had failed, you couldn't expect them to give their lives up for you.

Your heart sank as cold sweat formed on your forehead. You opened the door slowly as you saw the grin of Claudion grow.

"That's right princess... You're such a good girl."

Your friends and Eleanor all greatly protested against your actions and tried to get you to come back. But you simply turned your head to face them...And winked.

Noah was first to notice this act of yours and slowly widened his eyes. His eyes trailed downwards and noticed that you had a bottle of pepper spray in your jacket's right pocket. He bit back a smirk as you approached the crazy stalker.

"Yes Claudion...I have learnt my come here and let's hug it out?" You mumbled as you put on a guilty facade. You had to fight back the urge to just beat the guy up because fuck, this man was literally insane.

Claudion nodded and approached you with a loving look present in his eye. Ah, he actually fell for it. For someone as smart as him, he sure was stupidly in love to believe a bluff like that.

As soon as the red-eyed male came close to you, seemingly wanting to actually hug you, you took out your pepper spray and sprayed him with no mercy.

Claudion fell to the ground and held his eye in pain. Meanwhile, you quickly jumped back into the car and frantically shouted at Mitsuri to leave the place immediately.

Mitsuri understood the assignment and pressed hard on the gas pedal and the four of you were off.

"(Y/n)! Do you know how dangerous that was? That could have seriously backfired!" Mitsuri sighed as she drives the car. Finally, after that intense show down with the crazed stalker, mitsuri could let out a sigh of relief and scold you on your reckless actions.

"But it worked out in the end, didn't it?" You answered your best friend's question with a grin. You could just feel Mitsuri's irritation as you and Noah laughed together.

But then you felt a light tap on your shoulder. Oh that's right, there was Eleanor in the car. You turned your head to face her with a confused look on your face. Just then, you could swear that your soul flew out of your body. There, sat the most beautiful woman you had ever met in your entire life. Her face was flushed and there were tears that stained her face. Oh my, was she crying? Well, even if she was, hell, she was still drop dead gorgeous!

"Uh..please don't cry! You're too beautiful to be crying!"

Eleanor and your two best friends turned their heads to you and gawked at your choice of words.

Ah, you had actually said that out loud, hadn't you? What an idiot, you had definitely just messed up all of your chances with this beautiful woman.

But maybe she was into it? For she started laughing the second she heard your sentence.

"Oh you're so funny, dear! Haha, see? I'm not crying anymore..! Don't worry your pretty little head over me. Worry about yourself first, my love. You just got drugged, and kidnapped... If anything, you should be the one crying and panicked!" Eleanor remarked as she wiped the tears away from her magnificent azure eyes.

You blushed. This was just so embarrassing. First you embarass yourself in front of this gorgeous woman. Next, she compliments you by calling you 'her love'? Ah, you felt as if you could die now.

The atmosphere in the car lightened as it got filled with laughter and smiles. All was well and at the end of the day, the main character was saved. Who could ask for a happier ending than this?

After story:

It had been roughly about five years since the kidnapping incident. (Y/n) and her friends had migrated overseas to (country of your choice). They all had graduated from university and were now working and living their best lives.

Mitsuri was a famous fashion designer, thriving in the fashion industry. Noah was a famed and notorious hacker, known for being able to hack into anything that he desires. And Eleanor had inherited her father's company, following in his footsteps and allowing the company to rise to ever greater heights.

You on the other hand, had changed your name, lifestyle, hair, and so much more. One could never be too safe, could they? There was absolutely no way he could find you again. You were certain of that. For you were a totally whole new person from who you were previously.

Anyways, you had gone to therapy and gotten all your issues sorted out. It wasn't a wonderful experience. You had to remember and recount all of the traumatic events that occurred to you during your university years and it was not fun at all.

But with the help of your dear friends, you managed to survive and get through the tough period. You could never be more thankful to them for their help.

And throughout the process of therapy, Eleanor was there for you every single step. You couldn't help but develop romantic feelings for her. Her kind and caring demeanor together with her gorgeous self was an absolute (y/n) killer.

However, you never dared to confess your feelings, in fear that you would get heart broken.

That was about to change though. You had gathered enough courage and tonight, while on your date with the tall and hot woman, you would confess your heartfelt feelings for her. Whether it be good or bad, you would do it because life was too shot after all.

You sighed as you day-dreamed about the beautiful woman and your interactions with her. Hah, she was simply perfect in every single possible way. You had texted Eleanor about the tiny 'hangout' scheduled tonight and was anxiously awaiting her reply.


There it was! Oh finally! Her answer was yes, wasn't it?

To your dismay, it wasn't. For the notification that came was from an unknown number, with the message of 'hello there ! :)'

hello ― m. yandere x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now