Date Night Part 2

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As you got done you began to hear the door bell ring you answered it and there was Nick standing right in front of you he stared at you for a good minute and you began to blush.

Nick said "you look amazing Yn" and you replied happily"thank you you don't look bad yourself".

As you began to walk out the door you got your keys and purse and locked up the house.

Nick opened the door for you as you began thinking he is a gentleman

As he drove you guys began taking about what you like to do, where your from, and so on.

Nick pulled up to the restaurant and he opened the door for you he leaded you into the place and y'all were headed to your tables to eat as you were about to sit Nick pulled out your chair and y'all ordered food and drinks and got to know each other better.

As he pulled your house he walked you to your door and you began to talk about how much you enjoyed his company and he said the same he gave you a kiss goodnight and after that it was a night to remember.

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