Chapter 7

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Jason POV

We got back home after we fight those Dark user and their mysterious cause of death that only i know who kill those filthy thing and back to usual self... When im done transforming i feel something weird and just now i cough blood what the!!?

"Jason are you alright?" Elsie asked

"It must be the backfire for helping us finding your Mistress" Aiden said with concern

"Albion can you heal Jason?" Kyle asked Albion who's thinking what Kyle asked for him and answered

"I-in Jason case i cant you know that h-his different to us... And everyone stare at him like what do you mean D-dont get it wrong its because his a d-disciple to a M-mistress" Albion said to them and silence rule in our atmosphere they shouldn't worried about me...

"Dont worry i can just use Ancient Meditation to ease myself to the backfire" I told them and they seem convinced to what i said

"He has a point since his a disciple to the Mistress" Miles said and he is right about that

"Then will leave it to you" Asher said to me and i just nodded

"Then lets have dinner and sleep since there is a birthday party to attend" Elsie said and we just nodded at her suggestion just like that night routine and we went to our own rooms to have a good rest since were so worn out a moment ago...

Judy POV

Kyahhh! Good morning everyone im so excited today as of why... Because its our dear Kate birthday she may hate surprises but still since they are also a new friend you may ask if Aunty is gonna come the answer is nope but she send Kate a gift last night. Lets make our morning routine since we have to wake up Lloyd so that all people in the house can hear...

(A: What about the maid?)

About that we dont have a maid since our Aunty wants our safety especially to me since we knew that i was the lost princess they became overprotective so lets go!!

Knock knock!!

"Lloyd can i ask for a favor?" I asked and a minute later he came out in his room

"What?" He asked sleepily

"Hey, wake up we need to get ready early we have to clean, cook and decor the house. Dont tell me you forgot Kate's birthday?" I asked

"WHAT! no way i forgot Kate's birthday its just i sleep late because of the decorations in the house" He defend himself

"Ok, can you use your ability so this people would wake up" I asked politely

"No prob, WAKE UP EVERYONE WE NEED TO MOVE NOW!!" He shout and instant the door open in sync

"W-were wide a wake v-very awake" Roxanne replied

"What the heck! Its still early" Christene said you may ask what time its still 5 in the morning heheh

"That's better though because our new friends just texted that they will come in the afternoon" Zyrah told them

"Then that's be-" I was about to tell how great its but the door suddenly bang open showing the bloodlust aura and we look each other like sh!t we really gonna die today

"G-good M-morning K-kate" Christene said nervously

"Is there "good" in the morning" Kate replied hearing her voice make us shiver there are 5 rules in her note it says
1. No noise allowed when she's working -Zyrah said
2. Never touch her things without permission -Lloyd added
3. No gadgets when its time to eat -Roxanne added
4. Dont touch her food - Christene added and lastly
5.Never ever make a noise when she's asleep -i added *gulp*

H-hehe Kate what a s-surprise you woke up e-early" *facepalm* sh!t why did i said the obvious statement

"Nevermind that, why are you so noisy early in the morning?" Kate asked

"Ahh, its nothing we just want to wake up early you know getting ready early too hehhe" Christene replied

"Whatever, but remember you ruined the rest of my day" Kate said warning to us. And she just walk out in the house great now were dead.

"What should we do?" Zyrah asked nervously

"There's only one way" I said "ok, everyone change of plan its gonna be ice cream party theme" right this is the only way and safest trump card.

(When their done of decorations)

"Wohh, safe now what time our guest to arrive and Kate what time she's gonna wake up?" Lloyd asked

"They'll be here around 3:00" Zyrah said

"K-kate is not yet a-awake" Roxanne replied

"Now that's what you called bad news and good news" Judy said

"Don't worry im gonna use my Trump card" Christene said

"Don't worry Christene if your gonna die we will prepare everything" Lloyd said while chuckle

"Since we've been bestfriend for 2 years ill give you the most expensive coffin and expensive treats for the guest" Zyrah said while holding her laugh

"Ha ha ha very funny, dont worry ill be coming out alive. Bye" she said while walking through the hell door. Good luck if you die we will pray for you.

Christene POV

I hope so... Here we go knock knock knock no ones here "Kate im coming in okay" as i walk inside what i saw will really think there's a crime scene in here so messy the floor and couch are full of fabric "what the heck happened in here?" I ask myself in disbelief "the heck its also dark in here" dumb me why didn't i think opening the curtains or lights but Kate dont have lights inside then open the curtain dummy i said to myself as i open the curtain what i saw will really kill in one shot

"AAAAAHHHH" i shouted

(Meanwhile in the backyard)

Lloyd POV

What's taking them so long our guest will arrive in 3 2 1 dingdong their here and we look each other and we walk our way through the gate and we saw their black van we open our gate and we greet each other and catching up. They even give a birthday gift even though we really aren't that close and they also insist on it.

"You dont have to bring gift though" Judy said. And she's right

"Haaha its okay not much its just one gift but we think of it very much" Kiel said

"Well t-thanks" Roxanne said while getting the gift.

And we give them a little tour in our house, talking and laughing casually

"Btw what time are we going to eat?" Miles ask while everyone are laughing to his statement except someone pak "ouch what the heck" he exclaimed when he saw who smack him in the back he really didnt say anything.

"W-wait where's t-the birthday g-girl?" Albion asked

"Ohh she's in her house Christene fetch her i dont know what's taking them so long" i said when we were about to continue our tour and talking Elsie suddenly stop and we look confused.

"Wait do you hear that?" She said

"What do you mean?" Judy said and the boys just nudge her side and look i dont know what they're talking about but she just laugh and shrugged it like it doesn't matter.

"Nothing, hahaha" Elsie said laughing awkward

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