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Jahlyla sat on her bed silently crying with her hands shaking rapidly.She held her phone in her hands before clicking on Vons contact and calling him.After a few rings he answered the phone.

"Ay what's up lyly?"Von greeted cheerfully as she didn't text them last night.

Jahlyla let out a shaky breath before talking.

"Von,I did something bad,very bad."She whispered into the phone and tears feel out of her eyes.

"What happened ma?You hurt?"Von asked sitting up on his bed now intrigued to know what happened.

"N-no but I hurt someone Von." Jahlyla said trying not to break out and scream at what she had done.

"Hurting someone isn't that bad ma they in hospital or some?"Von asked trying to calm her.

"No Von it's worse,promise me, promise me you won't tell anyone Von please."Jahlyla said slightly raising her voice before quieting down not wanting to wake up her sister and mother.

A week had gone by and she couldn't take it anymore and decided to call Von,knowing he knew stuff like this.

"Aight ma,I promise now calm down and tell me." Von said softly hearing how panicked she was.

"I-I killed someone Von."Jahlyla said as she began sobbing.

"Lyly when was this?"Von asked after a few seconds trying to process what he just heard.

"L-last week."she answered shakily as it hit Von as to why she didn't text them.

"Lyly,what caused it?"Von asked concerned because from the way she texted you could tell she was innocent
Which she was,Jahlyla would never hurt a fly so what could possibly lead up to her killing someone.

"She wouldn't leave me alone Von, she kept teasing me,she always found a way to embarrass me Infront of the school and I was walking home from the store,this was at past 8 and she followed me all the way since school came out." Jahlyla paused to catch a breath before continuing as Von listened carefully to what she was saying.

"Idk Von something inside me told me to take the sharpest knife I could find in the house and take it with me to the store so I did and as I passed an alley way that was a street from my house,I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around and there she was behind me."she paused as she began crying at the flashbacks she was having.

"It's okay mama continue."Von said as he felt his heart hurt for her.

"She ran up to me and started hitting me and I hit back way harder then I wanted to and then I heard sirens so I dragged her body into the alley making sure no one saw me and pinned her to the ground covering her mouth until I heard the sirens pass me."

"I looked at her and I felt like I was a completely different person,I stared hearing these voices in my head and they were all telling me to kill her so I did I slashed her throat so deep she died instantly no sound but I liked the feeling I was getting of letting my anger out so I stabbed her in the heart 20 times,Von im so sorry."Jahlyla said as she held her hand over her mouth trying to keep her crying quiet.

"It's okay ma I'm not gonna hold you on that you were angry and fed up that was her karma,now tell me Mama what did you do what the body?"Von said understanding where she was coming from.

"I burned it and put it in different trash bags and threw it in different bins then washed the blood of my clothes and took a bath and went to sleep."she explained as Von raised his eyebrows surprised she knew exactly what to do but he was also worried about the bones the can find.

"Ma what about the bones,won't that be a problem?"he asked not wanting her to get caught.

"No I crushed them till it was dust it won't look like anything cause I also mixed it with sand."she explained now calm that she got it off her chest.

"Damn Lyly I definitely need to meet you ma,come one text the group chat they worried about you, just tell them you were with family."Von said coming up with a lie for her.

"Thank you Von,you don't know how much this means to me."Jahlyla said with a small smile on her face.

"It's coo foe let's go now and don't forget to put yo punctuation ma." Von said lighting up the mood as they laughed with each other before hanging up and going to the gc.

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