"Are you positive Emery?"
"Yes Daddy, but thank you for the invite."
"Of course my princess. But at least try to get out more, take a walk, go to a play."
"Okay dad. Loves to mother." Emerson Porter hung up her old vintage phone that sat on her dusty desk covered in paper full of black faded ink. Articles ripped out of the many books that stood active on her shelves. Articles that she has pulled out of recycling bins, looking like a greasy hobo fishing for food in a dumpster.
It made sense, her articles and research were just as or more vital than food.
It had been 3 days since she last took a whiff of fresh air. Her allergies were getting to her, all of the dust that drifted around the library. Tissues scattered all around the waste baskets, then ending up on the floor. Her nose was a red rash, with the constant sniff that happens so often you don't even hear it. Around every 15 minutes she would end up having her famous sneeze attacks, not just one small sneeze that just barely interrupts a conversation, no no no, it was full on loud obnoxious sneezing that lasted for around 45 seconds, 6 sneezes all together.
She was content though, many teased her that her only friends were books, and she joyfully agreed. Her house was a small apartment above her research area. Her research area was a large room full of bookshelves, books full of past information. Ever since she was a small girl, she sit for hours on end with her nose in a book. Her father owned a shrimping boat business on the coast of Maine, making it easy for her get certain resources for her interests, certain expensive resources.
Her favorite genre of books were Mystery and Historical Fiction, she could always dream of solving mysteries like Scooby Doo and the Gang, or Nancy Drew. In fact all she did with her spare time was read and day dream about herself in the book she read. She was sent early to a private school that was College Prep at the start of 4th grade. Emery was naturally bright, a straight A student since the beginning, organized and perfectionist. As you can expect she was never in a any trouble, in fact, she was such a good kid people forgot she was even there, including her parents. Yes, they were loving, but more on the buying everything for her type of love.
Due to that fact, Emerson was basically on her own, she had no real friends. Most didn't like her, how stuck up she was, and those that tried to get to know her never got the chance. She was to caught up in her books. When her High School years began she got the passion for being a Historian, well a Researcher. Constantly she was reading in History Books and writing reports on them for fun. Staying in on weekends, she go into more depth than the History books themselves.
She was accepted into Harvard and continued her work. Living in her little apartment under her library she finished and graduated with 4.6 GPA.
Working part time as a tutor she worked in her office researching sending in articles to many well known news channels, magazines and museums.
Her most recent project was on Roanoke Island, when North America was just in the midst of being uncovered a small group of people, "Colonists" were sent to the island as a sort of experiment, by the Europeans. No one was in contact with them for a couple of years, and when the Europeans came back for them, they were gone with no trace. Scientist, Archaeologists, and Historians still can't seem to put the pieces together. Nothing makes sense.
Emery though, she was determined to figure it out. Recently, she talked to a colleague of her's named Braxton Nortyearn. He was helping her get connections in the world outside of her home. He said he found someone who would do the job of going to the sight and search for any sort of evidence that average researchers may have missed.
"He wants to meet with you at the Museum up town."
"What? Now, I'm not even dressed!"
"Well you better hurry your tush, he's already there."
She scrambled around for an outfit to wear, "You know this information could have been put to better use of time if you had told me earlier."
"Hey, it wasn't my fault, the guy just called me 15 minutes ago."
"Ok well I'm about to leave...Oh, what's his name?"
"Sawyer Dutchance."
"Dutchance," she said to herself, "Alright, I got it, thanks Braxton!"
"You're Welcome, now hurry!"
He hung up, and she rushed out the door.
Finding Those Who Are Lost
Mystery / ThrillerFor over 300 years, there has still sat the Mystery of the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island. Hundreds of Explorers and Historians have struggled to figure out where the Colonists had disappeared to, without a trace. But is there more to the Mystery tha...