And then there was 6

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Tw: blood, murder, knives

There was too much blood
I tried to stop it, I really did
The cracked glasses drip with blood
Although this is the second time I've seen this this was the worst

The death was not simple as it was for Mine
Not a simple stab to the neck, piercing an Arterie causing me to bleed out

Oh no
He put up a fight
He didn't want to die
Though he knew he would

Not that I wanted to die
I just didn't expect it to happen so fast I couldn't even comprehend that I was dying until it was too late

Jerry's pov

You hear faint screams from across the pizzeria, the screams coated with a thick accent.

"CATCH ME IF YA CAN GABEY" a not as deep voice yet still thickly coated accent could be heard

While the two oldest bosemans fought for the eldest sons instrument, their father sat down across the room pinching the bridge of his nose talking to mr. Emily having a conversation they didn't want the kids to hear, clearly.

Narrator pov

the youngest- jerry- was sitting on a table although he could here someone calling his name

It wasn't his father with his head now in his hands

It wasn't his brother, he was playing his bagpipes

It wasn't his sister she was tormenting the purple guy, guess it wasn't him either

It wasn't Michael, he wasn't there

It wasn't Fritz, now that he thinks about it. He hasn't seen Fritz in days

He walks around the building looking for mr. Guy, it had to be him right??

The voice got louder yet it was choppy. Only bits ans pieces could be heard

"Hello? Mr. Guy I can't hear you" the squeaky voice with an Irish accent spilled out nervously

After the voices continued he made out a few words







The voice sounded more feminine now, as if it were a little girl

His sister has played pranks on him before but nothing this scary

She's never put scary pictures of murder into his head

She took it too far

He ran out too the stage where his siblings were with tears pouring down his face

The grownups nowhere to be seen

After his sister swearing in her life she wasn't doing anything she made a suggestion,

"It's okay Jerry, how about we go paint something for our new secret room"

"Okay" jerry said between sniffles "but it's actually a club house"

For the next half hour giggles and playful cries could be heard

"So they've been using it as a playroom, how convenient"

And then there was 6
And Charlie wasn't gonna be happy

A/n I really tried for this one lol
I tried to make it from Susie's pov but idk how that turned out I promise I'll make some fluff after LMFAO

word count:502

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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