Chapter 40

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Arrived at the date place, started dating, the girl was nice, gentle and lovely, but he was very uncomfortable.

He didn't like anything the girl took him to play with.

Such as love movies, such as dolls, such as shopping for clothes, such as non-stop taking pictures.

He felt like a humanoid camera with no emotions.

Later, the girl found that he didn't like it and asked him gently if he didn't like it. Shu Ning thought about it and nodded honestly.

The girl is very lost.

Shu Ning quickly comforted her and went to the park with the girl to play.

He could feel that the girl was looking for a topic, and he tried desperately to find a topic, but he couldn't get together.

When the date ended, Shu Ning felt exhausted and sent the girl home. His only thought was "Ah, it's finally over".

He felt guilty and bewildered by the thought.

Back home, Yin Mingzheng asked in a light tone, "How about a date?"

In front of his closest friends, Shu Ning didn't hide it, "It's not good."

"Oh?" Yin Mingzheng turned the chair and raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

Shu Ning thought about it. For a moment, "Not fun."

"Not fun?"

Shu Ning took out the keys and wallet and put them on the desk, "Girls like dolls, shopping for clothes, and watching romantic movies, but I don't like them."

Yin Mingzheng pondered, "Female Most of the children like this."

Shu Ning threw himself on the bed, stared at the ceiling and said, "If you do this on dates, why don't you go out and play with you."

Yin Mingzheng was silent for a moment, then asked, "Then are you free tomorrow?

Shu Ning turned his head, "Huh?" Yin

Mingzheng said, "There is an amusement park doing activities, let's go play."

"Okay." Shu Ning became interested, "Where is it?"

Yin Mingzheng showed him the information on his mobile phone, "This one, the reviews are very good."

Shu Ning leaned over and read the introduction above, and said: " Oh, I heard Long Qiao say, it's very fun."

"So it's settled?"


Yin Mingzheng lowered his head to buy a ticket.

Shu Ning picked up the phone, "Hey, Long Qiao, do you want to go to Simba Paradise tomorrow? Call Wang Shenshen... Song Nian? Okay, call Song Nian, that's it!"

Hang up the phone When he looked up, he saw Yin Mingzheng's cold face, "What's wrong?"

Yin Mingzheng took a breath, "Nothing."

He bought three more tickets.

Shu Ning spent an exciting Sunday at the playground. All the boys had a great time, except for Yin Mingzheng, who had a cold face, as if others owed him millions.

However, he always liked to have a cold face, and everyone didn't mind, and still had fun on his own.

After playing basketball on the second day, the girls cheered outside the basketball court.

A few friends heard the cheers and bumped Shu Ning with their shoulders: "Wow, you and Yin Mingzheng are so popular, I'm envious!"

Shu Ning waved to the girl with a smile.

Next to Yin Mingzheng handed over a bottle of books, Shu Ning took two sips and returned it to Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng then finished drinking.

No one finds it strange, because they are used to it.

Wang Shenshen winked, "How was the date two days ago?"

Shu Ning didn't want to mention the date, and said vaguely, "Is it okay."

"What about the details?" Long Qiao asked.

Shu Ning: "What details?"

"What are the details about the girls?"

Shu Ning: "Just go shopping, watch love movies, take pictures..."

Long Qiao: "Nothing else?"

Shu Ning shook his head, "Don't ask, there is nothing else."

Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen looked at each other.

Wang Shenshen asked Shu Ning, "Don't like her?"

Shu Ning thought for a while, flipped the basketball in his hand, and said, "It's different from what I imagined."

"What's different?"

Shu Ning sorted out his thoughts and said slowly: " I want to find a girl who can play games with me, play basketball, play video games together, and talk about many topics."

Yin Mingzheng turned his head.

Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao looked at each other, and after a while they said, "You're looking for a man, right?"

Shu Ning's heart jumped, and he threw the basketball on Long Qiao, "What nonsense!"

Long Qiao spread his hands, "I can play basketball and play games. There are very few girls here, and even fewer who play well, completely rare animals! There are almost no girls who can play basketball, play games and chat, and endangered species!"

Shu Ning was speechless, "...So difficult?"

"You What do you think?" Long Qiao asked back.

"If you want to find a soul mate, you'd better find one of the same sex." Wang Shenshen put a smirk on Shu Ning's shoulder.

Shu Ning got rid of him, "Don't be kidding."

"No kidding, serious." Wang Shenshen said, "Women's interests are different from men's, and the way of thinking is different. If you want to have similar interests and chat, you can't be there. Is it easier to find people of the same sex?"

Everyone nodded, "It makes sense."

"The soul can be synchronized, but the body can't be synchronized!" Song Nian interjected, "When I think of hugging a tough man, like Wang Shenshen, I will spit it out! The body is not coordinated! If you have to choose , I'd rather choose a female classmate whose soul is out of sync."

Wang Shenshen said angrily, "I am a talented person, but you actually look down on me?"

Long Qiao and Song Nian united, "I look down on me."

Wang Shenshen pulled Shu Ning in front of the two of them. "Come on, imagine now, who is holding this person?"

Long Qiao and Song Nian: "..." After hesitating for a moment, they shook their

heads, "No, no, no."


He pulled the little villain standing beside him and sent it to the two of them, "What about this? You are not tempted?

" Is he tempted?

The young man stood in front of Song Nian and Long Qiao, with long legs, perfect facial features, cold temperament, and sharp eyes like knives.

An evil spirit came. Long Qiao and Song Nian were so frightened that they shook their heads desperately

, "Don't dare!" Shu

Ning was unwilling, "Don't dare or don't want to?" Turning his head, his eyes dimmed. Shu Ning's eyes that can scare people are not threatening, he raised his eyebrows, "I'll hit you, what else can I do?" Then he said to Long Qiao and Song Nian in a high spirit: "Don't be afraid, except this guy's murderous aura. , think about his appearance and figure, can he be a boyfriend?" Long Qiao and Song Nian hesitated for a moment, "If Brother Ming Zheng is willing, we...of course we are, hahaha." Several people laughed at the same time, Except for the dark-faced villain.

When returning home at night, Shu Ning was beaten by Yin Mingzheng on the bed.

"Wow! My heart is so small!" Shu Ning screamed. After

a few blows, Yin Mingzheng let go of him, rolled up his sleeves, and said with his eyes: "Big ass, I need to clean up."

Shu Ning said angrily: "Little villain, don't be arrogant!"

From the first to the third year of junior high, Cai Qin gave birth to a boy named Shu Yang.

After giving birth to a child, the family suddenly became crowded. At Yin Mingzheng's suggestion, the family moved to Yin Mingzheng's villa.

When Yin Mingzheng took the existing house from the villa, he immediately let him renovate it. The designer designed a Nordic style for him. Yin Mingzheng doesn't care about the style, as long as it is not bells and whistles.

When decorating, we considered Cai Qin's children and adopted the most environmentally friendly building materials to reduce formaldehyde and other harmful substances.

After a year of placement, the family moved in.

Shu Ning is very strange. The little villain plays with him every day, and I haven't seen how he operates. How can he feel richer every day?

"It's very simple, I'm investing in the long-term now." The villain was sitting on the single American sofa, holding a book, his eyes were cold, "I own shares in the software side, and now there are three companies that give me monthly income, wait for me When you are an adult, you can officially take over."

Shu Ning asked cautiously, "How much assets do you have now?" The

little villain thought about it and raised a finger.

Shu Ning: "One million?"

The villain must have spent a lot of money to buy a big villa and decorate it so well, so he shouldn't have much money.

The little villain shook his head.

Shu Ning was surprised: "Ten million?"

No way, he has already spent so much money and earned another ten million in a short period of time?

He could only throw himself on the ground and look up.

The little villain continued to shake his head.

Shu Ning inhaled, "One, one hundred million?"

No way! How long does it take to reach 100 million?

The villain closed the book and nodded.

Shu Ning covered his chest, vomited blood and fell on the single sofa.

He finally understood a little genuinely that he was in a CEO novel.

The president's novel, casually has assets of tens of millions of yuan.

He understood that the ordinary people's script he took in the president's novel was incomparable to the certain cool script that the villain took.

With this asset, what kind of giants will the villains return?

One hundred million, the little villain himself is already a wealthy family!

We don't need the Wei family, and we don't need their approval!

Give him another period of time, and when he becomes an adult, he can leap as a fish, and a bird can fly as the sky is high!

Shu Ning has seen Yin Mingzheng's future.

Speaking of which, he gave the information to the Wei family on the first day of the first year of the new year, and now the Wei family has not come to pick up anyone, what the hell!

Shu Ning felt uncomfortable.

Recently, seeing Yin Mingzheng getting better and better, Shu Ning even thought that it was okay if the Wei family didn't come to pick him up.

He was reluctant to Yin Mingzheng.

However, if it is so selfish to leave people, it seems too inappropriate. The little villain is so good now, maybe he is eager to get family affection.

Yin Mingzheng looked at Shu Ning, smiled and lowered his head to continue reading.

Yin Mingzheng is now very famous in the Internet and finance.

Dad Shu asked him to help him speculate in stocks. Yin Mingzheng used the accounts of Dad Shu and Cai Qin to continue to grow bigger and stronger. If there was an occasion to attend, he would let Dad Shu go.

Now Dad Shu has been regarded as the god of investment.

Dad Shu is also willing to act as a shield for Yin Mingzheng, happily pretending to be the god of investment and running around, and attending financial gatherings, which are sought after by countless people.

However, Dad Shu knew how much he weighed, and he attended very few occasions. After speaking for Yin Mingzheng, he rushed back to accompany his wife and children.

It can be said that he is now Yin Mingzheng's subordinate.

He still loves the furniture city in his heart. After he became rich, he and Yin Mingzheng jointly invested to buy a building in the commercial street and start a high-end furniture business.

Perhaps after more than ten years of accumulation of fame and contacts, it suddenly broke out. His furniture city welcomed many high-end customers. The cooperative manufacturers have had friendship for more than ten years. The supply of goods provided is very reliable, and the technology has also been improved, and the sales are particularly good. Yin Mingzheng set up an online store for him and promoted him online. The online and offline business is very prosperous.

After making a lot of money in a year, Yin Mingzheng's assets also increased.

Cai Qin knows that the family makes money, she is relatively simple, and she buys a house if she has money. If you have nothing to do, go out and turn to the real estate for consultation.

Under her encouragement, Yin Mingzheng and the Shu family both bought several houses.

Yin Mingzheng was not interested in buying a house, but Cai Qin insisted on buying it for him, and he accepted it. However, the houses he bought were all under Shu Ning's name. Even the investment money is actually in the accounts of Cai Qin and Dad Shu.

If Shu Ning's family has bad intentions, they can quickly take away his 100 million assets, but Yin Mingzheng can only suffer from this secret loss.

But the Shu family had no such thoughts at all.

First, there is no exclusive mind, second, Yin Mingzheng's ability is tyrannical, even if it is less than one billion yuan, he can make a comeback very quickly; third, Yin Mingzheng's ability is getting stronger and stronger, and he may not be able to play with him.

Shu Ning and Cai Qin never wanted to occupy Yin Mingzheng's assets, and sometimes still treated Yin Mingzheng as a child. Shu's father thought deeply, participated in certain things, and knew how terrible Yin Mingzheng was.

He understood that Yin Mingzheng's achievements did not stop there.

Time flew by, and it was the second half of the third year of junior high school.

At this time, Yin Mingzheng had grown to 1.8 meters, and his figure had grown completely. He was unbelievably handsome. He was a well-known and beautiful man.

Shu Ning's height also jumped to 1.76 meters, so he could breathe a sigh of relief.

The two have been playing basketball for a long time, exercising, tall and thin, and every time they appear, they will cause girls to scream.

Little Sun and Big Moon, the code names given to them by girls. In private, Yin Mingzheng called Shu Ning a big butt, and Shu Ning called him a little villain who competed with each other.

In the past two years, Shu Ning has never been in love with a woman again.

He faintly felt that he might not like girls.

Long Qiao has already been in love with Cheng Xiaoyu and often talks about love in front of him. As they get older, boys begin to exchange some colourful topics and surreptitiously look at large-scale photos.

Seeing the exposed photos of beautiful women, the boys were excited, but Shu Ning's heart was not fluctuated.

Whenever this happens, he gets a little flustered.

Fortunately, Yin Mingzheng didn't seem to be interested either. He had never talked about girls in front of him, so he felt a little comfort.

Shu Ning suspected that he was gay, but he wasn't sure, because he also didn't have a boy he liked, and he had no psychological fluctuations when facing the boy's naked body.

Even in the face of Yin Mingzheng's stunning beauty, lying on the same bed every day, he would not feel his heart beating faster.

Song Nian, Wang Shenshen, and Long Qiao also took a shot and grew up tall. Unfortunately, Wang Shenshen developed horizontally and played basketball, but he was quite fat; Long Qiao was full of acne and pity himself in the mirror every day ; Only Song Nian grew up to be a handsome guy, but unfortunately he was eclipsed by the light of the big moon and the little sun, so far he has not found a girlfriend.

Just when Shu Ning felt that the years were quiet, a black car slowly stopped in front of the gate of Longpanshan Middle School.

The door opened, and a richly dressed woman stepped out of the car.

Looking at the closed door, the woman took off her sunglasses and looked excited: "Is my biological son right here?" In the

third class in the morning, the chemistry teacher was writing on the blackboard with a serious face, and the head teacher suddenly appeared at the front door. , waved at him.

The chemistry teacher was slightly taken aback when he saw the head teacher, put down the chalk and went out. The two didn't know what they were talking about. The chemistry teacher walked into the classroom with a shocked expression. The head teacher who followed behind called out to Yin Mingzheng in the last row, "Mingzheng, you Come with me."

Everyone turned to look at Yin Mingzheng with a calm expression.

In the past two years, the young man has been drawing a lot, and his delicate face has grown, and he is extremely handsome. The black hair and black eyes, the indifferent expression, and the alienated temperament all over made the female students of Longpanshan Middle School fascinated.

Shu Ning asked him suspiciously, "What does the head teacher want you to do?" During the

third year of junior high, teachers usually don't disturb students during recess unless there is an emergency. The little villain has been the favorite of the head teacher and the teachers of various subjects for the past two years.

"I don't know." Yin Mingzheng shook his head indifferently.

Shu Ning said: "The head teacher seems to be in a hurry, let's go."

Yin Mingzheng smiled, walked out of the classroom calmly, and left with the head teacher.

After class, Yin Mingzheng hadn't come back yet, but Wang Shenshen, who was well-informed, ran into the classroom and rushed in front of Shu Ning, "Brother Shu, guess who I saw in the office?"

Shu Ning sorted out the textbooks that were about to block his view. , asked: "Who did you meet?"

"Su Muli!" Wang Shenshen gestured his fingers exaggeratedly, "a very popular female star, a real lady, and then the Su Muli who married Wei Chaoyang!"

Shu Ning was shocked, Su Muli !

Mrs Wei!

At this moment, a sentence appeared in his mind: The plot starts, and the gear of fate begins to spin...

If it is matched with a little BGM, it will be another famous Detective Conan... Well, don't think about it at this important moment.

Shu Ning was in a complicated mood. At first, he handed the paternity test to Wei Shanhe in advance, thinking that he could change Yin Mingzheng's fate. He didn't expect the power of the plot to be so powerful. The Wei family didn't come to pick him up.

However, the current Zizai is completely different from the Zizai in the book. The Zizai in the book has long since dropped out of school, worked part-time in an Internet cafe, and mixed society. The current Zizai is awesome!

I believe that his future will never be as shattered as the ending in the book.

In the fourth class, Yin Mingzheng didn't go back to the classroom. He stayed up until after school at noon. At last, Yin Mingzheng appeared and said to Shu Ning, "Let's go to dinner.


Wang Shenshen, Long Qiao, and Song Nian also naturally followed behind them, chatting and laughing, planning to go to the cafeteria together. However, Yin Mingzheng turned his head and said to the three: "Shuning and I want to eat outside, you can do it yourself."

After a long time together, Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao were not afraid of Yin Mingzheng, and dissatisfied: "Why do you two eat alone but not Bring us? Or are you buddies?"

Yin Mingzheng asked, "Do you want to come?"

"Hmph, I'm not taking advantage of the bastard, I want a big meal!" Wang Shenshen laughed.

"Okay." Yin Mingzheng's deep eyebrows crossed a touch of thought, nodded, and led a few people to the school gate.

A black car was parked at the gate of the school. A man in a suit and leather shoes stood by the car. When he saw Yin Mingzheng, he stepped forward and said respectfully, "Master."


Several young people living in modern society were stunned by this name, and they felt that they had returned to the Republic of China.

Wang Shenshen, Long Qiao, and Song Nian looked at each other, Shu Ning was well prepared and did not show a surprised expression.

The car door opened, and Mrs. Wei, who was wearing a white dress, got out of the car, called out "Ming Zheng", and then smiled and said to the people, "A few of you should be friends of Ming Zheng? Come on, get in the car, and eat together. A meal."

She stretched out her hand in an inviting gesture, with a very enthusiastic attitude.

Wang Shenshen was struck by lightning when he saw Mrs. Wei, and his chubby body was extremely stiff. His father's circle is relatively wide, and he more or less knows who Mrs. Wei Su Muli is, so he can recognize it at a glance.

Long Qiao and Song Nian's family background is more ordinary, they don't know Su Muli, they only show a puzzled expression. "The car doesn't seem to fit..." Su Muli

quickly realized the problem, thought for a moment, and said to the assistant, "Hurry up and call a car again." He grabbed


Nian and Long Qiao who were not in the state, and said, "We want to eat the new iron plate cold beef, so I won't bother you."

Wang Shenshen followed his father, and his ability to observe words is better than others. To be stronger, Mrs. Wei, who knew her noble status, suddenly appeared at the school and specially invited Yin Mingzheng to dinner. There must be something to do. Don't be so rude to people who are irrelevant.

When Long Qiao and Song Nian saw that they were going to eat with a strange woman, they realized that Yin Mingzheng and Shu Ning did not want to eat alone, and they also agreed: "Yes, yes, we are going to eat steak, not with you."

"It doesn't matter . Yes, you are all friends of Ming Zheng, let's have dinner together." Madam Wei said enthusiastically, "Is there a steak, there is a good steak nearby, let's go right away..."

"No need, thank you!" Flashing to the side street.

Yin Mingzheng didn't care, "It's fine if you don't eat it." Madam

Wei stopped inviting her, and put her eyes on Shu Ning again, and said with a smile, "This is your brother Shu Ning, he looks like a good boy."

Shu Ning was a little embarrassed, "Hello Mrs. Wei."

"Just call me auntie." Mrs. Wei said with a smile.

Seeing Madam Wei's enthusiastic appearance, Shu Ning's heart dropped a little. It is described in the book that the little villain was brought home, and the Wei family did not like him, but seeing Mrs. Wei today, she can clearly feel her kindness.

Even Shu Ning felt it, she was trying to put down her figure and deal with Yin Mingzheng friendly.

This treatment is described in the book, one day and one place.

Yin Mingzheng didn't say much, got on the bus at the invitation of Mrs. Wei, and ate at a nearby restaurant together.

During the entire meal, Mrs. Wei kept serving Yin Mingzheng and asked him what he liked to eat. Even Shu Ning was asked by Aiwu and Wudi.

In the middle, it was inevitable to ask how Yin Mingzheng had been doing for more than ten years. Yin Mingzheng didn't like to talk about these things, but Shu Ning was different. He talked about the glorious deeds of Yin Qiang and Zhou Juan carefully and clearly. Mrs. Wei was shocked when she heard it, her rosy lips trembling, and it took a long

time before she said, "Mingzheng, you have suffered."

"You go home with your mother, and from now on, we will never let you suffer again!"

Madam finally explained the purpose of this visit.

Shu Ning was well prepared, not surprised, and turned to look at the villain.

The little villain silently ate the fish in the bowl without saying a word.

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