His sacrafice

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"To kill him."

What? Did I just hear him correctly? To kill Natsu? The Natsu that had brought me to Fairy Tail. The Natsu that was always put his life on the line to save everyone? No, I defiantly had hears him wrong. Yeah Natsu and Gray fought a lot but they were practically brothers. Gray wouldn't be able to do such a thing. But the more I looked at Gray the more that I realized that something was different about him. His eyes were much stronger then before but they also carried much pain in them. There was some sort of tattoo swirling up his arm as well.

"Gray, what did you just say? Can you please repeat it..?" I asked hesitantly.

"I said that the only way to stop Natsu is to kill him." Gray said intently.

No, please god no. Killing... killing Natsu is not the only way, my heart knew it. Gray was wrong, I don't know what is wrong with him but there is no way that he is right about this.

"What are you talking about! How can you even suggest something like that? Natsu is your nakama, our nakama. Fairy Tail would never hurt their friends!" I yelled at him.

"Fairy Tail would also do anything to protect their friends and the rest of the world. So if one person has to be sacrificed to save millions of people that is fine. Think about it Lucy, Natsu would never want to hurt innocent people. He would want us to end him before he can do that!" Gray yelled back at me.

I watched as Natsu.... E.N.D stared down at Gray with murderous eyes. He turned his head to the side then snapped his wings all the way out to their full capacity. He then started to beat them lifting himself into the air.

"You won't get away!" Gray snarled as he made a huge ice canon, shooting at Natsu as he tried to fly off.

Natsu expertly dodged them and sent back huge balls of fire at Gray almost engulfing him if he hadn't gotten out of the way so fast. Gray scrunched his face up in concentration before sending a volley of ice missiles at Natsu who with one wave of his clawed hand melted them all in a blink. Gray tried attack after attack but nothing was working. I sat there and cried, just like I always did. The fear in my stomach keeping me from standing up and stopping the fight. Lucy get up, I commended myself. But every time I tried my knees buckled and I would drop right back down onto the floor.

"I guess it is time to use that." I heard Gray mutter as he looked down at his tattooed arm.

Gray raised his arm and positioned it at Natsu, Natsu smirked and rose both of hands hands forming two huge waves of fire. They both prepared to attack each other but were interrupted by a small high voice.

"Natsu stop it! Please go back to normal so we can go back home again and eat fish!"

"Happy.." I sobbed.

He had positioned himself right infront of Natsu with his tiny arms spread wide. His whole body was shaking with fear and his eyes were so wide.

"Please lets go home!" He whimpered as tears streamed down his blue face.

"Happy get away from him!" Gray screamed.

"No! Natsu is my best friend! I can't leave him!" Happy yelled.

E.N.D was looking at happy with confusion in his eyes. I tried to tell myself that deep down he recognized him but it looked more like someone who couldn't decide if something was a snack or not.

"Come on Natsu! We can go on more missions together and wreck a town. You, Lucy, and me! All of us together like always!" Happy continued.

My tears were streaming down my face even more then they were a second ago. Yes, Happy was right. Natsu, Happy, and I, going on another adventure laughing and having fun. Natsu getting sick from riding in a carriage, Happy making fun of me and calling me fat, Natsu getting to into it and destroying the whole town, me having to apologize for what Natsu did, then Natsu and happy sneaking into my room at night. Yes sometimes I could get really annoyed at those two but I loved both of them so much.

"Happy, Natsu, lets go home! I yelled smiling through my tears.

Happy turned towards me and smiled. "Ay-"








A scream so loud and high pierced the air. It continued for a long time holding out longer then what would be expected. It was probably louder and higher then anyone expected as well. I reached my hand up to my mouth and found it open. The scream died out as my mouth closed. It was me, that terrifying, piercing scream was me. I looked at the bloody mess that has just landed in my lap. The soft blue hair that was now coated with a dark red. The green scarf that had also been turned red. But nothing came after the scarf. His eyes were still open, staring at me in surprise.

"Happy?" I whispered.

No reply.

"Happy?" I yelled.


"Happy!" I screamed.

Pictures flashed in my mind. Happy laughing and teasing me. Happy first explaining to me who Natsu was. Happy trying to make me buy him fish. Happy carrying me in the sky saving me numerous times. Happy crying as my future self died. Happy upset over leaving Natsu. And now Happy's head in my lap as the rest of his body was in the hands of E.N.D.

"Happy!" I heard Gray cry out from where he was standing.

My body was shaking uncontrollably as I took my fingers and shut happy's eyes. I ripped off some of my skirt and laid it over his head as I sat it down next to me.

"Happy, I promise you, I will save Natsu." I whispered.

I forced my body to stand up and looked over at Gray.

"I will not let you kill Natsu. If you want to kill him you will have to kill me first." I said as strongly as I could muster.

Gray looked very upset ad confused. I could see the sadness and terror in his eyes as he was thinking of what to do.

"Lucy.. there is no other way." He said softly.

"You don't know that! Gray please for Happy, don't do this!"

"Natsu killed happy Lucy, he killed him. If he can kill his best friend without a second thought then how do you think we will be able to stop him." Gray tried reasoning with me.

"Honestly, I don't know, but what I do know is that I won't give up on him even if everyone else does."

"Thank you Lucy. I am guessing you know why I choose you know. You are the only one who is not going to give up on Natsu. Also you are the only one besides Happy that will bring Natsu out. Now that Happy has passed on I realize that it is a different kind of power that will stop Natsu. Not the love of a friend but the love of a partner. Along with your rare magic you will find a way to save Natsu. Good luck."

"I will save him I promise you Igneel just as I promised Happy."

"Sorry Lucy-san."

From behind me I felt someone wrap their arms around me and hold on tight.

"Juvia, you don't understand!" I yelled trying to shake her off me but her grip just got tighter.

"Natsu-san is not himself anymore. I wish that there was another way but it seems like their isn't." She said quietly. On my neck I could feel her tears dropping.

"No!!" I squirmed around. If only I wasn't out of magic power. Why in a time like this, I cried.

I watched as Gray and Natsu prepared to fight each other once again.

Juvia murmured next to my ear. "Their last fight."

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