~The Basement~

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After a few weeks you grew more comfortable in Diane's house, you where still rather shy around her but you could walk around and feel comfortable that you wouldn't be attacked at any minute.

But you thought Diane was up to something, she was always going into her basement and coming out with fertilizer. She'd give you different medications for different pains, you had a headache that has only gotten worse and Diane has been looking after you. “Diane....my head hurts..” Diane came into the living room where you were laying on the couch “Let me get to some medicine and a drink.” you nodded as she left the room and went down to the basement.

You looked at the TV and noticed a book on the side 'Medication and the dangers of pills' different tags where placed on different pages if the book. You slowly got up and went to grab the book. You flipped through the pages. A tag on the household neurotoxins page, a tag on the paralyzed page, sleeping pills, Sedatives and analgesics. As you flipped through the tags your heart sunk slightly.

Household neurotoxins, Aluminum can cause memory loss. Different pills for The Paralysed, Ridocaine, can cause numbing in legs but it is for canine leg pain. To many Sleeping pills can cause lapses in memory. Sedatives can make you feel more relaxed and cause you to pass out. Analgesics are painkillers but taking to many can cause dizziness, Ringing in your ears and Drowsiness.

You heard Diane coming back up the stairs so you put the book down and sat back down on the couch, Diane came back in with 2 white pills in her hands. “Here sweetheart. These will help with your head.” Diane gave you a glance of water and the pills. You smiled at her hand pretended to swallow the pills. “Better?” you nodded and she smiled.

“Good.” She went back outside to tend to her garden whilst you coughed the pill up. It was a Sedative. That's when you decided to venture down into the basement.

You went down the stairs and saw different news papers, photos, items of clothing, another door, chalkboard and a desk. You went over to the news papers first ‘Y/n, the student who went missing.’ your face twisted into a frown as you searched for more papers, then you moved onto the photos.

Pictures of you, in your store, in your home, in your room, in different classes, with Penelope and Ryan, even pictures from when you where younger. “What....” You looked through the clothes, your scarf, your hat, your gloves, your coat, your shirt, your jeans it was all yours, all from your house. You went over to the door and opened it, there you saw blood on the concrete ground but also shelves full and full of pills, all sorts of pills.

You looked at the desk next to the door and saw, your house keys “I thought- I thought The buglers took these..” then you saw your father's watch and your mother necklace “What...no..”

That night when you ran into the woods, Diane followed you, Diane chased after you, Diane wanted you. The day your parents came over, they went missing, they never left. “Your parents are helping in the garden Y/n..” you turned around and your eyes locked with Diane's. “Your parents, can't hurt you. They can't take you away from me..”

Diane pulled you in for a hug and stroked your hair “You need me Y/n, you can't leave...” Diane whispered these words into your ear. But you knew you where supposed to be afraid, you should've been scared. This woman killed your parents and used them as fertilizer. She kidnapped you.

But you weren't scared, upset yes, but not scared. You still had this feeling of safety with her “You wouldn't leave me? Right Y/n?” You looked deep into her eyes and shook your head “Thats right baby. Course you wouldn't leave. You need me.”

You left the basement with Diane and she sat down on the couch with you “Are you afraid?” You played with your hands slightly and sighed “Just upset..” your eyes teared up as she lifted your head up with the tip of her index finger. “Why are you sad sweetheart?” more tears fell from your eyes as you sobbed quietly “You....you killed my parents, surely I'll feel sad about that....and...everyone thinks I'm missing..” Diane wiped away the tears and smiled.

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