Chapter 1 - The Last Memory

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I just wanted to make a couple of extra bucks by helping out a friend. I can't even remember his name now. They drugged and tortured me until I couldn't remember what my life was like before they kidnapped me. They: The Chosen Six.

I can't remember the names of my parents, or what they look like. I don't know whether I have any siblings or a significant other from before they took me. I'm not even sure if Raven is my real name, or if it's just the name the Chosen Six gave me.

I don't remember my age or birthdate. I think I'm in my early twenties, but I have no way to be sure. My birth certificate was not on me when they took me. Even if it had been, I'm sure they would have confiscated it along with everything else I had on me at the time.

Yet, no matter what they do, I will not allow the Six to control me or anyone else. They took me away from everything I loved and made me forget.

That last memory before the Six is burned into my brain, though. Carved so deep that it'll never fade. I just can't quite reach some of the details of that day...

The recollection is the only thing keeping me from giving in to their torture. This is why I hate that they made me forget the name of the friend I was helping that day. He was the reason I was in that park instead of safe at home, or whatever I would normally have been doing on a day like that. Wherever that was...

I'm not a professional photographer. I take random videos like everyone, I would even call it a hobby, but I'm kicking myself for agreeing to help my friend with this gig of his. The business partner he usually brings couldn't make it, so he bribed me into helping.

I'm always willing to take on side jobs to help pay the bills, but I wish I had said no to this one now. It's more than just the money. I can't remember for sure, but I think I had feelings for him back then and that's why I agreed. To spend time with him.

My friend has his own business. He'll create a flawless image or video depicting a celebration or get-together that, more often than not, didn't even happen. It's a lucrative business, I just can't stand the customers.

The family that hired him today to capture and direct a "perfect" family memory is way too cheerful for my taste. What's worse is it's all fake and over the top. Every part of this setup – the props and the people. I guess they are nervous about being filmed or something, and I don't blame them.

I have the camera facing the family, with my friend on my side and out of the picture while I'm taking pictures.

I can't remember what park we are in, or even what city, but it is huge and bustling with people. Picnic tables are scattered about, beautiful fountains decorating the landscape between a few trees distributed around the grounds.

There's a wide scope of visitors ranging from businessmen on lunch wearing expensive suits, to carefree individuals playing Frisbee with a family dog.

It would be an amazingly peaceful place if the park weren't surrounded by large buildings with buses and noisy vehicles crowding the street that separates the corporations from the park.

This is some sort of plaza next to a financial district. This spot is so familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on where I am.

My annoyance for this family, though, is drowning out the other sounds for me. The people and animals – it's nothing more than white noise in the background.

This household has two kids, a young boy, and a girl, sitting on opposite ends of the picnic table with toys but I can't remember exactly what – neither are paying attention to the three adults between them.

A man and woman – parents of the children – stand behind the table, with another woman to the right of them. It's the wife's sister and this is supposed to be some kind of farewell lunch for her.

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