~The Best Man~

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"You're my best friend. I want you to be the happiest man in the world. You deserve it. I love you. I want the best for you even if that means I won't be."

The crowd grew dim. Your best friend was looking at you with those eyes. His blues eyes filled with tears. His brother ushered you to get off stage.

You rose your glass. "To the bride and groom." Everyone at the reception raised their glasses.
I hastily made my way off the stage. Your best friend went in for hug. You gave him a half hearted heart. Holding back tears, you dashed out the church. Your best friend called your name.
You ignored him and kept on waking until you made it outside. You reached for your car door. You opened. Suddenly your best friend hand closed the door. He turns around. "Please don't go." He said. You stayed silent. "You promised you will stay. Don't go bro." You friend pleaded. With his right hand, he stroked you cheek. You knocked his hand away. "I know what I promised. I promised to stay for the reception. "

Aren't you my best friend ? Why leave on a day that means a lot to me?

This day was dooms day for me ! Do you not understand how much I'm in love with you ?!

Dude. You know it was never going to happen. I told you to get over it

Get over it ? That's an extremely hard thing to do. You make it so hard for me. I see you everyday. You treat me better than any guy I know. You been there through thick and thin.

That's called being a friend brother

So explain that night of your bachelor party or that rainy night in your car

Look! The bachelor party was a drunken mistake.

Mistake ?! You told me you always loved me. You said it should be me walking down the isle with you. Liquor makes you tell the truth. Yes I was wrong for sleeping with THAT night.

No one should know about that night man. For the love of god. Please don't.

I'm not gonna tell. Just know that I know on how you really feel

Listen I love my wife. Why can't I love you too ?

Because you went all the way went her...

Say, what night was you talking about ?

Why does it matter ? It must not meant that much to you if you can't remember it


Well, it was a night that girl you met on hinged broke up with you. You told me to meet you at the bar and we was talking in your car in the parking lot. One thing lead to another and..

We slept with other for the first time. It was the only time we had sex except the bachelor party.

Yes, but that time around it wasn't as bad because you was single at the time.

You opened you car door and sat in the seat. You turned key and started the car. "Seriously don't go please." The boy pleaded. Without a word you closed your door and drove off.

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