A Cry For Help

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I must first say that this book is the idea of not only me, but my close friend Jeremy March. The material in this book might be too much for some readers, so I advise you, BE CAUTIOUS.

Kyle groaned in his pillow for the seventeenth time since his father tried to wake him up. His silver hair shimmered in the sunlight that was breaking through his large windows adjacent to his bed. His eyes finally fluttered open revealing a pool of obsidian eyes, mostly pupil. His pale skin glowed a bit as the light shone on him.

"Do I have to?" Kyle asked his father, who was now pulling the curtains to the other windows (beside his bed also).

"Do you have to get an education? Yes." his father replied, with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"But I don't want to, not today," Kyle continued, rolling over to look at his father. His father was a Kyle too, his senior actually. They both had those black eyes and silver hair that only Marches had. The only difference between them was that Kyle Sr. was much more muscular than Kyle Jr. Kyle Jr.'s father only gave him the 'I say no more' grunt and left the blue room.

Kyle sat up and looked around, his room had been so comforting the night before. More comforting than it had been many nights ago for some reason. His windows were on either side of his bed, by his request, and his door opposite to his bed. He had painted his room himself, a dark, deep blue that contrasted with the light sky blue of his ceiling and the slightly lighter shade of blue his carpet had.

He jumped out of bed and sneaked into the shower. After that, he put on a black T-shirt with the words 'I'M SINGLE' grafitied across the chest, a black skinny jeans, and his favorite black sneakers. He went downstairs and found his breakfast on the island in the kitchen. He approached the glossy brown glass counter slowly, wondering which magical being must have stowed away into his kitchen. But no fairy or fairy god mother was around the stove, only the huge frame which was his father. "What's wrong?" Kyle Jr. asked his father.

"Does anything seem to be wrong, knuckle-head?" his father said not looking at him.

'Okay, he's the normal dad'  he thought. He sat around the counter and greedily ate the scramble eggs and sausages his father had prepared for him. He didn't bother to talk to him, he knew he wouldn't see the light of day. (His father hated to talk).

After finishing his breakfast, Kyle Sr. drove Kyle Jr. to school and left without saying goodbye (as usual).

Kyle slowly stepped up the concrete, dreading the moment he decided to listen to his father and wake up. Without realizing, Kyle had walked into his friend, Tianna. She hadn't realized either until her sister, Tori, shook them both back into consciousness. "You two are as blind as mice!" Tori said pushing her red hair from out of her face.

"Hey Kyle," Tianna said, ignoring her twin sister.

"Hey," Kyle said emotionlessly.

"Didn't want to wake up, huh?" Tori asked Kyle patting his silver head.

"No," Kyle growled a bit.

"Well get over it, we have biology first," Tianna said aggressively walking off in the direction of the lab.

"Wait, today's Friday?" Kyle asked quickly.

"Yes, I swear Kyle, if I had a penny for every time you forgot the day-" Tori said before Kyle sped off to the lab as well.


Kyle Sr. pulled his CRV up to the curb as a police officer directed him to. I didn't kill anyone! Why is this knuckle-head stopping me! ARGHH!

The officer was much shorter than Kyle Sr. He had brown, stubby hair, unlike Kyle Sr.'s silver, spiky hair. The only thing the officer had over Kyle Sr. was that his muscles were larger- just a bit. "Yes, officer?" Kyle Sr. said calmly to the police officer.

"Licence and registration please," the officer said, adjusting his helmet. Kyle Sr. went back into his car and rummaged around the glove compartment for the documents. The officer got impatient and began to view Kyle Sr.'s rear. He slowly approached him then poked his left butt cheek with his baton. Kyle Sr. flinched at the action.

"What the-"

"It was an accident sir, please continue your search," the officer lied.

Kyle Sr. restrained a growl and continued his search.

"Is this even your vehicle?" the officer said sounding impatient and annoyed.

"Yes," Kyle Sr. hissed.

The officer gripped Kyle Sr.'s forearm and held him only centimeters from his own face.

"If I were you, I'd be nice to me," the officer said, giving Kyle Sr. a flirting smile. Kyle Sr. stepped back out of the awkward position and glared murderously at the police officer. The officer gave him one last smirk then approached him again.

"I can complain with sexual assault," Kyle Sr. growled, "or I could beat your gay ass till your straight enough to be a ruler!" Kyle Sr. saw the shocked look on the officer's face. I've got him now, Kyle Sr. thought. Then the officer pushed him against the CRV and put on his handcuffs.

"That's threatening a police officer,"the officer said, pressing himself unto Kyle Sr. "I'm going to have to take you in, sir."


Kyle walked out of the small room, gasping for breath. Jennifer Hoffman just sucked his breath from him in the longest kiss he'd ever had. It didn't help that he was in the janitor's closet either. Nevertheless, he tried to enjoy it.

Kyle slowly walked out of his huge school yard to go home. His dad had called him and told him he wasn't going to be able to pick him up that evening, so he had to.

He was used to it though, Kyle's father barely picked him up on Wednesdays or Fridays. Those were the days the gym gave half-off for members. Kyle's city was a rough place to walk around alone, so he always had Tianna and Tori with him, but that day, they both had somewhere else to be. So he walked alone. He wasn't afraid or anything, just skeptic of his surroundings.

He turned the corner to the street adjacent to his, when he heard someone scream.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" a high-pitched feminine voice screamed loud enough for the penguins in Antarctica to hear. Usually, Kyle just ignored those things, but this particular scream made something inside him twist. An organ he must've forgotten he had. I should really pay attention in Biology. Kyle walked over to the patch of bush beside a dark alley, Great a dark alley, nothing wrong there, where a woman stood wide-eyed at the object that held her. Kyle's black eyes opened up to reveal his surprised expression. With his mouth wide open, and water escaping it, Kyle's voice betrayed his thoughts of running. "What the-" but before the boy could finish the dark figure engulfed the woman and headed straight at him.

Instinctively, Kyle ran as fast as he could. He turned every corner and intersection trying to shake the creature behind him, but it wouldn't let up.

Kyle dashed into the park, but fell over a tree stump. This is it! Oh my god I'm gonna' die! ahhhhhhhhhh!

But the creature tore into a million threads of black fabric. Then Kyle fell asleep, for no apparent reason. On the cold, bare soil. In the middle of the park. At the nick of night. ALONE.

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