Jail Break

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Kyle Sr. sat whistling behind the rusty old bar of the holding cell he sat in. He'd always been threatened to be locked up but that was actually the first time he had actually been locked up. The place was a dump, especially the cell, smelt like unflushed toilet paper and year old lasagna.  The cell wasn't even all that anyway, Kyle Sr was almost certain he could break them with his bare hands. 

"They're not so easy to break," the guy in the corner said out of nowhere. Kyle Sr was caught off guard and shot a look to his right to see the man draped in a dirty black blanket stained with what seemed to be coffee or tea and was dirty like it had never been washed. The man shielded his face under the blanket that covered his whole body except his hair and feet. 

"Who're talking to?" Kyle Sr said. It slightly bothered him that this guy somehow knew what he was thinking. In any case, it was a coincidence. The guy didn't seem very violent or even healthy for that matter, considering he was curled up a ball under a dirty old blanket, he must've been pretty small too. 

"You, I saw you looking at those bars like you wanted to break them. You're not the first," The man said plainly. He didn't look up even once while he talked. 

"Sounds like you've been here for a while," Kyle Sr said, relaxing again. His hands had actually balled on the wooden bench pushed up against the grimey wall of the tiny cell. He looked over on the man for a reply. 

A sigh escaped the blanket before the man said,"Yeah. Got caught few months back."

 Months? Isn't this temporary lock-up? Kyle Sr looked over at the front desk where the sitting officer drooled on his newspapers, sleeping. Why isn't this guy out yet? What'd he do? 

"I was drunk and jay-walking, these dumb cops just forgot little old me was in here."

He did it again, as if he read my mind. 

"The blanket's thin, I can see you through it, and it is kinda weird so I'll stop." The man went silent after that. So did Kyle Sr. 


"March, your representative's here," the sitting officer said drowsily as he drooped his way over to the holding cell with a bunch of keys. He looked in and gave Kyle Sr a tired look, then opened it up. Kyle Sr stepped out carefully, keeping his distance from the new officer. At the waiting bench, sitting quietly looking bothered as always, was Kyle Jr. "In real life, kids can't bout for people in jail, but I'm too tired to care and your dad didn't really do anything. Pete was just being a pervy faggot again. He can go." The officer slumped over the desk and waited on the two to leave. Right before he was to step out Kyle Sr turned back to the officer. 

"What about gramps?" Kyle Sr said to the cop, craning to look into the holding cell. 

"Gramps? What're talking about?" The officer asked, sounding a bit annoyed. 

Kyle Sr didn't see the old man in the blanket. He didn't see a trace of anyone else being in the cell with him. But he was there. I say him. I spoke to him. 

"Dad you've been in here all night, let's just get home. Really missing my room right now," Kyle Jr said, saying the last part more to himself than to his father. 

A/N: Short Update... Needed Something anyways... writer's block is a demon.

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