The Body

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I called a patrolman to come stand by the car and watch Jose. He was, as far as I was concerned, still free to go. I just wanted someone there let to me know if he did. I did not want him to feel he was in custody yet, because he wasn't. That is important when getting a confession. 

The Sgt. walked the maybe 50 yards or so with me to the embankment that Danny and the CSI guys were searching. It was thick with trees and dense brush. I saw small areas that were a bit worn from foot traffic, though it looked like no one had been there in a while. The embankment itself had grass 3 feet tall in some places and was at a steep 40 degree angle down to the water. It had stopped raining days ago but the grass was still very wet. It was about 20 feet down to the water which was moving fast today. Danny was about 50 feet north of where we entered. The Sgt. got another call and stayed where he was to answer it. I walked to Danny. His pants were soaking wet up to his knees. He seemed somber. Very tired.

"Tell me something."

"Look around."

"I'm running out of time Dan, what have you got?"

"Look up at the trees".

There was a thick line of trees along the top edge of the embankment just like the ones we had crossed through to get down the side of the canal. I looked at the line of trees and saw nothing. Danny then pointed out the tree directly west of us up the bank, exactly straight up from where were we standing. I saw it right away. On the trunk of the largest tree up there was a small cross. Someone had carved it on the side of the tree facing the canal.

"Did you check it out?"

"Yes, it's fresh. Very fresh."

"So is she up there?!"


"Then what the hell did you call me down here for?"

Danny looked me straight in the eye. His eyes watered just a bit. 

I suddenly realized that the CSI team was gone. 

"Where did CSI go?"

"They went to get their water gear."

I looked at the cross again and realized that it was not marking the spot where someone was buried. It was a spot that lined up with where someone was buried. A marker. A reference point.

I made a 180 degree turn and looked straight down at the water. At the edge of the water was a large pile of branches and other junk, half submerged in water.I looked at Danny. He pointed down at the pile and said, 

"She's in there. Half in and half out the water right now. In her yellow bed sheet." 

I suddenly felt so damn exhausted. 

You did it. You actually did it.  I wanted to be wrong you God damn stupid mother fucker! Dammit I wanted to be wrong. Stupid. Mother. Fucker!

I took a breath. I wanted to walk over there to her and see her, but my legs didn't move. I guess I was frozen for a minute or two but it seemed like so much longer. Then Danny's phone rang. It was the officer who I had told to stay by the car with Jose. Danny spoke to me,

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