Meeting Tomoe and Nanami

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Third Person Pov

Nanami was walking to school with Tomoe then she paused, Tomoe looked at her
"Nanami, what's wrong?"
"There's a girl lying there unconscious"
"Leave her be we have no business helping her!"
"TOMOE! I'm going to help her no matter what you say!"
Nanami walks over to the girl ignoring Tomoe
"Hey, you alright?" Nanami says softly
The unconscious girl starts waking up to the sight of Nanami's concerned face
"W-Who are you?" Says the girl
"I'm Nanami! And this is Tomoe over there"
Tomoe looks at the girl with a rude look on his face
"Don't worry he's normally like this" says Nanami
"He is?" The girl said with a confused look on her face
"Yup" said Nanami
"I forgot to ask! What's your name?"
"My name is (y/n)"
"Nice to meet you (y/n)!" Says Nanami
"Nice to meet you to... Nanami and Tomoe"
The two friends and Tomoe started walking back to the shrine
"(y/n) How did you get here?" Nanami and Tomoe asked
"I don't know... I found myself in the park and then you guys found me..." (Y/n) says in a low voice
They finally made it back to the Shrine as always Onikiri and Kotetsu greeted Nanami and Tomoe
"Nanami, who is this girl with you? Is it a friend of yours?" Says the shrine spirits
Tomoe had a irritated look on his face why'll looking at Nanami and (y/n)
"Why are you staring at me like that?" (Y/n) says in a low tone of voice
"Don't worry about him (y/n)"

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