Old Man Hokage

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"What's this all about Nowaka?" An old guy with a big red and white hat asks my grandfather. Hm Ankuro is surrounded by old guys! No Ankuro has two guys in room that is her age. Mask dude and dude with a cut across his nose. Ankuro thinks mask dude is Kakashi and cut dude is Iruka. "Well my granddaughter Ankuro." He says gesturing towards me. "Said that he told her some of his past life stories."
"Is this true?" The old man asks... Oh wait he's the Hokage!
"Ankuro hear his stories plenty of times! Ankuro like big man's company!" I start to jump up and down waving my arms in the air.
"Hm. What was his stories about?" The old man Hokage asks.
"He read to Ankuro out of Ankuro's books!"
"So it wasn't his past life?" Grandfather and Old man Hokage asks.
"Oh no! Ankuro never hear past Ankuro only been read stories too!" I shake my head vigorously.
"Well then I guess this conversation is done." My grandfather bows his head.
"So sorry to have disturbed you with no valuable information." Grandfather says. The old man Hokage smiles.
"Its no problem Nowaka. Have a safe trip back to the compound. Good bye Ankuro hope to see you again soon." Why would he want to see Ankuro again? Ankuro insane! No one cares for Ankuro! I feel my anger rising. Calm down, calm down, calm down. Okay Ankuro is fine now!
"Come Ankuro we need to get you back soon." Sanzie gestures for me to hop on his back, but instead I run ahead. I laugh hysterically.
"Ankuro wants to race! Ankuro wants to beat Sanzie and old grandfather!"
"Oh so now I'm old am I lets see who wins this little race then shall we. Sanzie are you joining us?"
"Nah I'll catch up with you un." Sanzie replys back to grandfather. Ankuro thinks Sanzie has speech problem he says un a lot.
"Alright then lets go Ankuro." Right after he finished his sentence I dashed him following in pursuit while Sanzie looked both bored and annoyed at our stupidity.
"Hahaha! Ankuro faster then grandfather!" I was about a foot ahead of the old man.
"How are you running so fast!?" He shouts from behind.
"Ankuro not old!"
"Yeah you say that now, but one day you'll get on up there too!"
"Crazy old man! Ankuro is forever! Ankuro is immortal! Mwhaha!" I yell back adding the evil laugh for a more dramatic affect.
We finally made it back to the asylum. Oh dang... Ankuro is back at asylum! No!
"Ankuro no want to go inside! Stay outside!"
"Sanzie get her." Grandfather says walking inside.
"Don't make this any harder than it has to be un." He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.
"No! Ankuro needs to be put down! Ankuro wants down!" I yell throwing a tantrum kicking and hitting him over and over again. Not even affecting him. No fair!
"Not everything in life is fair. About time you learn that Ankuro un." Sanzie says. Oh but I have. He brings me to my room and sits me down on my bed walking out he closes and locks the door. Ankuro is so bored! I then look out of the corner of my eye seeing three heads peeking out.
"I see you Shin, Tanko, and Wakee." They all three walk out.
"All clear. Otherwise I wouldn't be talking like I have sense." They all nod their heads in unison. I sigh. Its so frustrating having to act like this all the time even in my head since my grandfathers kekkie genkie is reading people's thoughts and destroying there minds from the inside out. He's tried reading Maori's mind but unfortunately it comes out all blank and fuzzy. Orochimaru erased his memory he told me he couldn't remember anything other than meeting the guy and then blank. I've heard about him of course but never meet him. In a high boy like voice Tanko asks.
"So how was the leaf? It was fun for my brothers and I to watch and observe others outside of the compound." I nod.
"I bet being stuffed up in here all the time can get pretty lame." I look at my bedroom wall with my red orbs. My long red hair sweeps over my face. Strange how I have three eye colors my original eye color is light red, while my kekkie genkie is white which gives me the ability to manipulate people and make them go mad, then I have the eyes that I get when I get angry which turns the whites of my eyes to red and the orb and pupil into a yellow shaped cross how I get this eye is because of my three little kyuubi. Thanks to them I have anger issues.

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