NOT AN UPDATE - @coffeeciuss We need to talk

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@coffeeciuss are posting my translation of Christmas chapter on her Wattpad without my permission. I've tried to reach out to her and found out she has muted me.  I was shocked. We used to talk earlier. I even recommended her Wattpad on my guideline to the readers to read the main Chapters of KP. I asked for her permission before I did it. We had interesting conversations. Why do you do it to me @coffeesiuss?

UPDATE: @coffeesiuss is asking me to delete this post but I refuse.

She keeps telling other people that she just FORGOT. She FORGOT TO ASK MY PERMISSION but REMEMBER TO MUTE ME before uploading my works. THAT ACTION TELLS EVERYTHING.

When my readers leave their comments on her Wattpad, she deletes them immediately. Even when they tried to direct other readers to my Wattpad, she deleted the comments as well. She has never mentioned my Wattpad on hers. And when the readers said thank for HER TRANSLATION, she just kept quiet.

Some readers told me that 'but she gives all credit to you'. I don't know if she put the credit before or after my post but she personally informed me that 'not putting the credits under your name'. Any way, I don't care when she put it, she should ask for my permission first.

So let's imagine. I go to the main family house and kidnap Elizabeth and Sebastian, of course Tankhun doesn't know anything about it. I keep them in my pond with a prominent signboard "Tankhun's Koi". So that's it. Is it OK? Tankhun won't go crazy? He won't beat me to death? Huh?  

UPDATE AGAIN: I hope this is the last time I have to update this post.

@coffeesiuss I hope you can read this. Some readers have been keeping asking you about our matter and asking you if you asked for permission of @phinutz_77 and @PETEmyluve . You can answer them or not, that's your choice. But PLEASE PLEASE I'm begging you. If you don't want to answer their questions, just ignore them. I know you're very good at it. And you deleted their comments right away, right? PLEASE don't write some hate messages like that, don't DM them. PLEASE don't say anything. It just makes things worse. Like when people said thank you for your translations, you didn't say anything. So now please don't say anything as well. Sorry for my poor English, I hope you understand what I said.

@AddictedHaiyin You said "they want to make you villain" Who are "they" you were talk about? Me? The readers? What did we do that made you accuse us like that? For telling the truth? If you were talking about me, please read this whole post again and again to get the whole story. Anyway, I and other readers are so glad that you have already leave us. Good bye and good luck to you.

Finally, A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has been supporting me as always. Actually, I didn't know what really happened. I could never read your comments because they were deleted immediately but I know that you've been fighting for me so hard. I can't say thank you enough for what you did.

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