her new friend

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As I plugged in my earbuds,I sat on my wooden swing, a place where I always feel relaxed
The sound of silence,is what I love especially at night,the sky was clear and the chirps of crickets made it even better,the wind was chill and soft,it had a peaceful rhythm

Kochi was sleeping so it was the best time to focus on myself
As I was about to play my best loved song,a new message popped up


Jimin ~°hey can we meet tomorrow?°


I smiled as I instantly read who sent it
A weird yet exciting feeling was inside me
I couldn't think of anything
What should I reply? I thought As I had alot of stuff To do tomorrow
"But nothing comes over him right?"

Sure! I would love it!
But where?

She waited and waited,listening to her beloved songs and staring at the message for hours,why isn't he replying? The question raised in her mind every other second
She thought of messaging again,but instantly wiped out that thought by thinking he might be busy
She couldn't help but yawn,her eyes got heavy as she knew it was time time to sleep
It was nearly dawn,again she jumped into her cozy beige blankets
And drifted to sleep

Next day

"Thank you so much" Sana and I thanked as we took our coffees
"I gotta talk Something really important" Sana said while taking a seat
"You seem really serious now" I sarcastically answered
She laughed and continued "I see,jimin and you have been hanging out alot nowadays"
I narrowed my eyes as to give her a glare "no we dont" I answered looking away
"No probs,you both are kinda cute together" Sana said taking a sip
"I-i don't see jimin as a man,you know just as a friend"
"Well now you will" She whispered
let's go home shall we?" She excitedly asked

As we arrived at my house,I noticed something was different
Sana was staring at me like usual,but like a crazy person this time,
I saw a cycle which was familiar yet I don't remember where I saw it

"Doesn't something feel different?" I asked as I scanned my entire house
"YOU are acting weird too" I frowned pointing at sana
"Just go inside" sana said as she dragged me in

"Chaeyoung? You are home?" Her mom came welcoming in
"What happened?" I frowned as everything and everyone seemed to act differently
"You're friend is here!" Her mom told her in excitement
"What? But sana-"
Before I could continue
She took me inside
I was frozen on the spot,I couldn't bear the sight,as he was sitting on the couch with a big grin on his face

"You didn't even told me you had such a friend!" Her mom frowned
"Wait sit here,I'll bring something to eat" She continued before rushing into the kitchen

"What are you doing here?" I asked in astonishment
"What do you mean? We decided to meet yesterday didn't we?" He replied
"But not HERE!"
"It was a surprise for kochi! And maybe you too?" He laughed like a toddler,while picking kochi up
"How did you get my address" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously
All he did was point towards the translucent entry Door,where sana's silhouette was visible

All I could do at this moment was face palm
What did I even expect from sana?
"I didn't wanted you to meet my parents" I crossed my arms
"Why? They are really welcoming and gentle"
"Welcoming and gentle" I repeated,but making quotation marks sarcastically with my hands

He laughed and stopped for a moment
"Here's your coffee" her mom came into the room,with a cup of coffee and heaps of cookies
"Thank you" he smiled
"I will just leave-" I awkwardly got up
But jimin held my hand
I couldn't help but look at him,as he was pleading me to sit down

I sat down,shaking his hand off

"You're moms cookies are the best" he laughed as we somehow came out
"I ate tons of them" he smiled in satisfaction
All I did was to ignore him
He sat on his jet black cycle,as he was about to leave
"Aren't you coming?" He asked Turning it back
"I'm grateful atleast you asked unlike before" I rolled my eyes
I sat on my lavender cycle before leaving

We were on the same way as before,the shores had our sides as we had theirs,everything was the same the weather had it clear the clouds were large,covering almost all the blues,
It was dead silence between us
It wasn't familiar between us
"Did you hear it?" Jimin suddenly asked me
I ignored,as I went forward leaving him at the back
"Listen,I heard a cats m-" Before he could continue kochi jumped out of the basket and ran towards a box,
It was a cardboard box,full of filth
It seemed like a scrap
"Kochi! Not again into litter!" I got off my cycle

Until I heard it,jimin rushed towards the box

"Chaeyoung!" He called out
As I arrived,I saw a little Grey furball meowing
"I-its a kitten?"
Jimin nodded as he looked at me
"Who left it here?"
I hummed in response 
"I don't think we can help him" I asked leaving him speechless
"I can't take him home" I stuttered
Jimin gained the courage,as he spoke up "I will take it home"
"What? Are you insane? You will die of sneezing!" I worried
All he did was smile sheepishly

"Chaeyoung!" He called outAs I arrived,I saw a little Grey furball meowing "I-its a kitten?" Jimin nodded as he looked at me "Who left it here?"I hummed in response  "I don't think we can help him" I asked leaving him speechless "I can't take him ...

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