Oh Dear Jeaian..

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Dear Jeaian,

I know you're receiving this letter, but I've been wanting to tell you that you are hot. Your hair is like brewed creamy coffee that was left on the side of the table. Knowing this I've been wanting to say a few words before I leave to San Diego in Cali. Please Jeaian whenever I say I want to hold hands with you I mean it, don't go invalidating my feelings just for another boo like Ramon, Lander, Jansen, Lander, Carl🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮, Matthew, Justine, Justin , Justin, Jordan, JOELANN, and Abraham.

You've cheated on me for about 65 times. I've had enough of counting and this was the first week of dating. I've given you multiple chances but you've thrown me off quite a bit. Now I'm living my life to the fullest with another boo which looks like you.

David Visitacion

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