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Is it too late for Sunghoon to quit his job?

It's only the first day of his job as Lee Heeseung's bodyguard and he's getting a migraine.

Right now they're outside the pharmacy store and sitting on a bench that was already there. Jungwon had already left so now it's just Sunghoon treating Heeseung's wound.

"Ouch, don't press on it!" Heeseung yelped.

"Oops, my bad. I thought you're a tough guy that can handle pain including this one. I guess I was wrong." Sunghoon said nonchalantly.

By reflex Heeseung pouted at him. "It wasn't even my fault in the first place!" He whined.

Sunghoon raised an eyebrow at him. "Well it seems like it was yours since you've been chased by some gangsters. They look pissed."

"Let me explain!" Heeseung stomped his foot to shut Sunghoon up. "I just got bored and decided to go to a nearby store to eat ramyeon. Those jerks bumped into me and started harassing me so I fought back."

"Fought back? You were running away from them."

"How did you think I got this wound?"

"You're really stupid."

Heeseung's eyes widened when he heard those words coming from Sunghoon's mouth.


"Done." Sunghoon put a plaster on Heeseung's left cheek.

"Yah, I dare you to say that to my face one more time!" Heeseung pointed his finger at him.

"What? You mean you're a really stupid person?" Sunghoon asked with a hint of innocence in his voice.

"I swear I will get you fired and ruin your life!" Heeseung threatened him while Sunghoon just chuckled.

"What's so funny? Don't laugh, I'm being dead serious!" Heeseung whined again.

"Ah how can I take you seriously when you're behaving like this."

Heeseung kept glaring at Sunghoon while the other won't stop laughing.

Once both of them cool down, Sunghoon gazed softly at Heeseung. "You could've just told Jungwon and I that you wanted to go eat ramyeon somewhere else. We would've come along with you."

Heeseung rolled his eyes upon hearing that. "I don't know, you seemed so busy talking to Heejin back there." He muttered, swaying his feet a little.

Sunghoon stared at him confusedly. So Heeseung saw him talking to Jeon Heejin? And if he did, why did he sound like he's bothered by it?

"Well Heejin dropped by just to chat a little and asked me how my day at school was, that's all." Sunghoon explained. He was confused when he sees the uninterested look in Heeseung's face when he mentioned Heejin.

Heeseung didn't say anything after that. He was observing the sky that grew darker. Both of them were waiting for their driver to pick them up.

"For a bodyguard, you're a really weird person."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Aren't you supposed to be scary? You don't seem intimidating enough to be a bodyguard."

Sunghoon snorted. "Well I can be scary and intimidating when I want to."

Heeseung recalled the moment when Sunghoon fought with the guys. He does look scary but he's definitely not gonna admit that to his face.

He looked back at the sky that was about to rain as Sunghoon observed him quietly. Heeseung could be so irritating but he's not that bad either. Maybe he has his own reasons on why he's acting like that.

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