Powers (Y/N x Tony Stark)

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Takes a while to get to the avengers, sorry guys.

Everything was always bad for you. You had a rough relationship with your parents, they had abused you since you were young.

The only person you had was your younger sister, Lily. You had to take care of her since she was born, due to your parents neglect.

You were 7 when she was born.

One day, you were sitting in your room, when you heard the front door slam shut and your dads heavy boots moving toward the hallway.

You crawled back into the corner and held a pillow close to you, trying to stay and silent as possible.

You heard your sisters door open and your dad speaking angrily. "Did you kiss a girl Lily?" You quietly moved into the hallway. "ANSWER ME GODAMMIT," he screamed.

You peeked into the door. Lily had tears streaming down her face. "D-dad it's- no I-"
"S- she-"
"Your gonna pay for that."

That's when you noticed what was in his hand. A gun. You two had been in situations like this before, and he had never really pulled the trigger, but it never became any less terrifying.

"You disgust me you little f-" as soon as you heard the start of that word, you picked up a vase of the table in the hall and smashed it across his head.

He fell onto the floor and groaned.

You ran to Lily. "Are you ok Lily?! Are you hurt?!" She put her hand on your arm and sobbed. You pulled her close to you and held her tight.

"Let's get out of here," you whispered to her. You helped her up and started walking towards the door. You had just gotten out of the door, when you heard a bang.

You looked behind you. "Y- Y/N" Lily said before falling to the floor. There was a red batch on her white shirt growing bigger and bigger. "LILY" you screamed.

You turned toward the monster lying on the floor. He was lying down still, with the gun pointed where Lily was standing. "SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER!" You screamed.

You launched at him and ripped the gun from his grip. "I HATE YOU!" You sobbed before pointing the weapon at his face and pulling the trigger.

You crawled back to Lily. "Lily... no..." you cried. She looked up at you slowly. "It's ok y/n... I love you..." slowly, Lily grew motionless, and your tears fell down your face.


You were now living in a tiny apartment, with dirt and mould in every corner. The only company you had were the rats.

One day, you decided that you had had enough. You climbed the stairs the the roof of the building, and stepped to the edge. You looked down and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I couldn't finish it for us Lily."

And then you fell. You felt peaceful as the wind pushed your hair back and you flew down. It was all going to be over.

As you were about to hit the ground, you stopped. Vines tangled around your legs and arms, holding you up.

Then, it all went dark.


You woke up a few hours later in a small room. You turned your head and groaned. Your whole body hurt.

You opened your eyes and saw a glass wall. There were a few people outside, watching you. As your eyes cleared, you realised that one of them, was the famous Tony Stark.

He walked through the door and stood close to your bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked you. "Like i either got hit by a bus, orrrr I have a massive hangover. What happened?" I asked.

He chuckled and leaned against the wall. " I'm gonna get straight to it." He said. "We think you have... special abilities." You stared at him.

"You mean... I have powers?" You asked, confused. "Am I dead?" You wondered aloud. "HOLY S- THATS WHAT I WAS DOING"

Tony stared at you confused. "I- uhhh, miss Y/L/N?" "Yea?"
"Your very much alive."


"Y/N, come with me," Natasha said. You followed her, till she stopped outside of a door. "Where are we?" You asked. "Step inside," she commanded.

You stepped into the mysterious room. All of a sudden a giant shadow swooped down toward you. You ducked just in time, as it's fists skimmed your head.

You turned to face it, fear coursing through your body. It twisted its body and growled. The creatures black eyes glowed as it watched you.

It dove for you again. You stumbled backwards, until you hit a wall. The thing was almost to you. You lifted your arms as a shield.

Suddenly vines grew around your arms and stabbed at the shadow. You looked at them in disbelief. What was this?!

You pushed your arms forward and the vines grew.
Suddenly the creature disappeared and Natasha walked in. She crossed her arms and looked at you.
"How did this happen?" She asked you.


You had found out that you could control plants. You could make them move, grow or change. You had practiced using your powers everyday with Tony.

You had gotten so good that you had battles with him while he was in his suit. You had also grown a lot closer to him.

"Tony can we have a break from practice today? I'm really tired." You whined. "Y/N. You say this everyday!" Tony laughed. "Yea, and every time we still do it!"
"Fine," He grumbled.

"JUST CHOOSE A MOVIE Y/N!" Tony yelled. "I did and you said no!"
"Yea because that one's bad!"
"Y/N. Barbie is a kids movie."

You and Tony had been arguing over movies for well over 10 minutes. He refused to watch any Disney, Barbie OR marvel!

"What about (horror movie name idk)?" You asked. "Sure!" Tony said, sitting down. "Wont you get scared Y/N?" He smirked.

                                 AN HOUR LATER

"TONY THIS IS TERRIFYING!" You scream at him. "Weak." He replied. There was a jump scare and you grabbed his arm. Then the murderer lifted the axe about the main characters head. You squealed and buried your face in Tony's neck.

"When can I look?" You quietly asked. He didn't reply and you looked up at him, only to see that he was blushing.

"Tonyyy..." you giggled. "Yes Y/N?"
"Are you blushinggg"
"No. I don't blush. Just watch the movie."

For the rest of the movie you watched him. You realised how good looking he was. He turned and looked at you.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked. "I'm not." "Yes you are Y/N." Instead of answering you grabbed the remote and put Barbie on. Tony glared at you. You smiled back.

After a while you put your hand on Tony's, and saw the familiar blush creep up his neck. "Y- Y/N what are you doing?" Instead of answering you kissed his cheek and leaned your head against his shoulder.

"Y/N I-" he started, but you cut him off. "FOR THE LOVE OF THANOS, I LOVE YOU TONY STARK! TAKE A HINT!" You gasped when you realised what you had said.

"Sorry, sorry I shouldn't have- you know what? I'll just go. I'm really sorry Tony." You said getting up.

Before you could leave, Tony grabbed your arm and pulled you back down. Then he leaned in, and kissed you.

"I love you too Y/N Y/L/N. I have since I met you."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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