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As I had said that I would like to give a review on the end of our show which is really close to our heart. I am kinda not satisfied with the end or say it was quite rushed.

The main point that we missed the conversation between MoRan in the last episode was disappointing. Reducing the time for a dance and adding to their conversation would have really pleased me.

Now starting with the things I really liked was Sumanji's move of making girls of her village learn Karate. I really loved that change. Then second would be 12 more branches of PSAF and one of it was in a place like Bundelkhand which was in sheer need of such an academy which would make a slight difference in the mentality of the people out there. Then Bala turning into a pure gentleman and aspiring to become like Karan. His move of helping a boy to join PSAF and motivating him to make his life useful really made me believe in the fact that Some people do change your life for good. Frankly speaking this are the only points which pleased me as the end of the show.

And now coming to the disappointing point..believe me there are many. And the surprising fact is that it is related to all the lead couples and their individuality.

Firstly talking about the youngest couple built in flash of seconds with no past chemistry nothing. Ya I am talking about #ChiLa. What do I say about that ship! I really loved them and wished that they become a couple but comeup could have done it better. Instead of showing Chitra and Balli's nonsense romance you could have given a bit focus to this cute couple. I would have enjoyed that. What was the fun in breaking Chitra's heart by giving her a third angle between MoRan. She was the purest sole and Monami knew that Chitra would never be a problem in her love life so what's the use. It was utter nonsense for me. Frankly speaking I enjoyed BTS more than the shit story they tried to create.

Next coming to the least screen space given couple that is KoeZi. What do I say about it? All are saying the same. They were given less screen space and it's a well known fact. And I really don't blame the makers for this as every actor has their own commitments. Simple had her own work so she couldn't join the show for few months so how the hell you can expect the progress of KoeZi..Just with Faizi! I love their bond which formed with the help of a kid but Koel should have taken some time to explore her feeling. Just because a guy went all over to help you doesn't mean you fall for him. If that was the case then she should have fallen for him long back but I understand they had limited time so chuck it. And for the same couple at last it was shown about their family growth but what about their personal growth? What did Koel do after leaving PSAF? I hope they explore it in Season 2.

Next the most disarranged couple #SidSa.  Tell me one thing...why was Sid's self respect shown so low? One sorry from Sanju and he was again back to her. No one ever considered his efforts for any mission or for any thing else. In the Bundelkhand mission too his efforts were a lot but they didn't even appreciate him. In Koel's case too he wasn't praise. Let away everyone but Sanju too didn't praise him. This is disappointing as hell. He is one of my favourites from this show. Then I agree many of you loved that Sanju apologied at last but I didn't agree to it. You disrespect his love by breaking up on a text and then say a sorry and are ready to leave. This is now allowed. Sanju was a gem of a person and I mean it. Her support to Koel and then the emotional support she showed to Monami when Karan was dead was commendable but as a girlfriend she lost it. Her character showed downfall in case of Love. She really took Sid for granted and I didn't love it. I hope they show guilt in her for taking Sid for granted in Season 2. And ya my high request to makers would be please explore Sid's past too. His goodness and happy go lucky nature should have some back story. Explore it please.

Next the everyday trending and most famous couple of Zdmn #MoRan. I am a die heart fan of this couple and their chemistry. They don't need to do anything. They on the screen and the screen is already on fire but they story too disappointed me a bit. Many would say that there was no growth in Monami's character but I would say they are wrong. In fact she had a drastic change. The courage she has right now is mind blowing. Karan too had a decent change from his Khadoos too an kind image. But what was the need to make Monami Khadoos and follow Karan's footsteps? She has her own well built career. A high level doctor by profession then why did they choose a trainer as profession for her. Her main assets were her kindness and softness. This makers changed her this kindness and softness to the Khadoos one. I didn't like that. I would have loved if Karan would have supported her in achieving her dream of becoming an army doctor. That would have shown a lot of change. Frankly speaking till now I couldn't muster up the courage to watch that drill session where Monami was behaving like Karan. That was baseless and useless and irritating for me. Can by any chance they give her her Dr tag back in season 2. I have no problem with Karan as his change was neutral but Monami they changed everything about her. Where is our cute little bubbly goofy ball Monami?

And last disappointing point is what was the need to seperate everyone. Already they did a grave mistake by not giving proper group mission and now in next season also we can't expect as they are already seperated. My #SiMi #KarZi #SaRan #MoZi #SidRan #SidMoEli all are seperated. What's this yaar?

This is all I had to say. Sorry if my review hurt any of your feelings.

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