The Alien Base

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I was falling down a narrow chute and I think I might've hit something. Then I landed on the ground. I recovered from the fall but then I realized that my memory was completley wiped. I struggled for who knows how long to remember anything, no luck not even my own name. Then the pain came. I felt the worst pain I had ever felt (considering I had no memory it was basically the only pain I had ever felt that I remember). I had scraped my left knee when I thought I had hit something in the chute. Then I saw a black and blue liquid and it sort of drew me to it. When I got to it I touched it and it spread all over my body, healing my scraped knee and giving me new strength. Then I heard a series of clicks followed by a low grumbling sound that went on for about thirty seconds then a high beepng sound and a door slid open with a loud WHOOOOOOSH! Then I saw a kid being pulled by two aliens.     "Roberto!" he screamed "It's me Charles!"

    "Charles...I remember you!" I yelled, but he was already gone.

    My name was Roberto...Gonzalez, it all started coming back to me. Then I heard the beeping again. I thought it was the door again but there was no whosh and it went on longer this time. It seemed like it was coming from my pocket. I pulled it out. It was a phone. I answered it.

    "Roberto where are y-," it was cut off by the beeping sound again. I looked at the phone. It said "No signal". I put it back in my pocket. I went to the door again. Then everything came back to me. My head started hurting and I tried to sit down but then I fell to the ground. The last thing I remember is seeing two aliens pick me up.                                                                 

I woke up in a prison cell.

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