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Kate's POV
She was the sweetest and she wouldn't hurt a fly even if she wanted to, but as her body laid in the pool of her own blood we were left to wonder what kind of person would want an innocent girl dead , then like a bulb our minds sparked with the thought probably she wasn't who we thought she was.

I closed the book and gave my audience a smile and they immediately began to cheer me like their lives depended on it, my assistant Jessica came on stage to help me get down from it, we both walked towards my chief editor Grace.

Good job said Grace as she walked towards me pulling me into a hug and she whispered don't forget the after party is in two hours I nodded in response getting out of the hug saying my farewell to those around me as I took my leave.

Every single thing I did for the past six months was to ensure that this day was a success and in all sincerity I was glad it went as planned not all of it but most of it.

I'm Kate, Kate Drowill ,reporters usually use the line celebrity writer when referring to me in their gossips and articles,I have a couple  of books published and they were doing very well.

I just launched a new book titled ANNE'S MURDER and it took me four months to write this book and an extra two months to finalize everything with the editors.

This was me living my dreams, my sister would always tell me how lucky i am because not everyone gets to live the life they dreamed of.

I got into my car and drove myself home after giving my assistant the entire day off, we've all been working our ass out to ensure that the book launch was a success, if I'm being honest I gave her the day off because I needed some time alone before I went for the after party.

As I got out of the car i quickly replied to my sister's text message she was checking to see how the book launch went, I miss her so much she's basically the only family I have left and I would love to spend every breathing moment with her,but judging how the past six months has been getting time to spend with anyone at all would have been impossible.

But with the book launch over I have close to three months to spend how I wished, and I decided i was going home to spend it with my sister and by home I meant the house our parents left us in the city where we were born.

My sister Linda has always been the traditional girl, the sweet simple girl,the kind which puts the  value of family and living the basic and simple life above everything else,but me on the other hand just wanted to be free and explore my dreams.

I quickly cleaned my house and rested a little till my alarm went off reminding me to get ready for the  party,I had a quick shower,putting on something simple but hot and with minimal makeup.

When I got to the venue of the party I wasn't surprised  when I realized that it was a club, I knew my assistant had something up her sleeve, I'm grateful though I needed to loosen up it's been a while I had any fun outing of any kind,the moment I was in view inside the club,I was announced and the crowed went wild for a moment  then everyone went about doing what they were doing before I stepped in.

I walked to the bar,asking the bartender to get me something strong because I needed it to loosen up.As the drink hit the back of my throat I felt my muscles being free, couple of drinks later I was on the dance floor hair flying side to side, hands in the air and moving my waist to the beat of the music.

I love this song I screamed as the Dj switched to another song, I totally went crazy dancing and then I felt a hand snake it's way to my waist pulling me closer,I didn't mind cause I was high on liquor and  it felt good.

Couple of songs later I was grinding on this mystery person and I could tell he was getting hard,then he whispered to my ear saying something about getting little privacy it was then it struck me that it was a girl.

Her voice was deep and had this texture I would compare to that of velvet,sweet and tender but had a depth that brought a tingling sensation in-between my legs.

I gradually turned still dancing in the process to face this mystery woman so I could match the voice with a face and I was stunned, how could someone be this pretty or is it the alcohol, it's probably the alcohol I'm sure I wouldn't find her this attractive when the alcohol leaves my system.

But for now all I wanted to do was to savor this moment,I slowly took in the view that was in front me slowly ensuring that there was little or no space between us,
She leaned into my neck whispering again,I'll love for us to find a private spot.

With that I pulled her by her hands forcing ourselves through the dancing sweaty bodies out of the club, I gave her my car key and asked her to drive as she drove I gave her the direction to my house and I kept looking her her, shamelessly was the word because I wasn't trying to hide the fact that I was knee deep in my admiration for her.

When we got into my house we were barely inches away from the door when she grabbed me towards her pulling me in for a kiss, a kiss that was so rough  yet so gentle I couldn't take my mind off the fact that she smelled and tasted like orange.

For the past six months the only thing I have been intimate with was my laptop, and of course my vibrator, It felt like I was having butterflies in my belly because it has  been so long.

I love how she kissed me taking charge while I followed her directions, she started to unbutton my shirt and i took that as an opportunity to do same to her.

Shirts off, bottom clothes off and it was just me and her standing naked skin to skin,she swiftly took me off my feet in bridal style asking for the direction to my room.

She carefully dropped me on the bed seeking consent,it was so funny hearing her say I know we're already naked but do I have your consent. I nodded slowly saying yes biting my lower lip in the process and that was it.

Pure ecstasy and pleasure, at first she went slowly making love to me then she was fucking me rough like her life depended on it ,I liked how she was gentle and rough, how she paid attention to my body and at some point it felt like she was going deep into my soul, four orgasms later and my body went limp and I closed my eyes for the last time today with a smile on my face.

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