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You got home from work late. Much, much later than usual in fact. The day had been so impeccably dreadful that not only did you want to scratch your eyes out and stab hot pokers into your ears, but you had also neglected to check your phone for the entirety of your unbearable day. However, this meant your messages had blown up with a flurry of worried texts from Brian and having not realized this until you were already waltzing up to his and yours apartment, you decided the point in texting him was long gone.

You and Brian had a very affectionate relationship- when he was home that is- so any chance you got with him, you wished to cherish. It was hard being in a relationship with someone who toured... and with your boyfriend specifically, toured, worked, performed, renovated, created and was a legend icon and star all in the span of a month and taking about a week off before doing it all again. You often found yourself fighting for attention despite Brian being more than happy to give it to you once you shook him back into reality and out of whatever work distracted daze he was in.

Pulling your key from your pocket, you unlocked the door, finding the apartment completely quiet when you pulled it open. Your heels clicked against the floor and you found it to be the only sound echoing through the room. Usually the apartment was filled with the gentle hun of the tv or at least the sound of Trixie strumming on his guitar, singing one of his many famous songs or one of the more private variety that only you got to hear.

"Brian?" You whispered, quickly realizing that you hadn't said it loud enough for anyone to hear. Wandering into the living room, you flicked onto the light, only then hearing the tiniest sniffle from your bedroom.

The minute you heard the barley audible noise, you knew who it belonged to and you quickly hurried off to chase it. Brian was a very emotional guy and it wasn't unlikely to catch him crying at a sad movie, whilst looking at pictures from home or just on a particularly hard day, but you loved to comfort him in those exact situations.

The lights were off and the room was completely dark due to the late hour, but you could make out a lump in the bed and watched as it sniffled and hiccuped in between cries. The tv wasn't on and Brian's laptop wasn't open so you knew his tears couldn't be from watching the Brady bunch as they had been the time before.

"Brian? What's going on baby?" You hummed gently, earning a gasp as Brian shot up from his laid position. He had tears rolling down his cheeks and his face was flush a gentle pink colour.

"Where the fuck were you?" He huffed, whipping his hand up to quickly swipe away a tear drop. It had never been your intention to upset him, but now that you realized just what you had done you felt terrible. You hadn't been in too many fights, you bickered like any couple, but that was usually as bad as things got, Brian had always hated yelling and you respected that. "What? Am I not good enough for you anymore- was it worth it- fucking someone else?" Brian sobbed, glaring at you as he gestured wildly, his dark brown eyes wide and bloodshot. His face was puffy and his lips were curled back as he cried at you.

You had never been so shocked and you should have answered much quicker than you had, but you were all too confused to think that fast.

"Brian! No- why would you think that?" Your eyebrows were furrowed together in frustration as you tried to explain yourself. Brian had a tendency to always assume the worst of what others were thinking and attempted to get ahead of the joke by making it himself, it was just about the only thing you wanted to change about him.

"Because you ignored me for the past 2 hours and you've been off work!" Brian groaned, almost trying to unravel your 'lie' or prove that he had been right all along.

"Baby." You knelt down beside the bed, reaching your hands out to hold his forearms in place, his eyes filled with sadness. "I was working late. I would never cheat on you. I would never hurt you." You explained, staring and not breaking his eye contact as you spoke. Brian shuttered, holding your eyes as if he was trying to challenge your truth through your eyes alone.

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