THIS MF ONLINE EVERY TIME I GOT PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME The game:screw u imma take for ever to load
It then kicking me out Me:imma have no lag not even five seconds later
Lagging Me:who tf needs so many cameras in one spot Ulansty Sunrise Republic City:We do because High Security Me:gets the bloody creeps Also me Walks to a poster
Me:How the literal fudge is there a camera on the poster looking at me The Poster:Salute The president Me:Hell nah I'm out The city:The cameras watch your every movement Me:screaming Me:goes to a interrogation room Seeing the cameras
Me:Not this again I hate cameras People Watching:Wth are they good Me:moves away Cameras:follow
Me:Not again Cameras:yes again Me :
looks behind Me:Aaaaa fudge off cameras Cameras:no Me:rage cries in a corner Me:going to play CITS because it's enjoyable
Me:going to enter because it would be normal
Me:sees something red so looks up
me: WTF why g0z what is that red thing The red thing:hi Me:hiding behind a stall