Chapter one: Deceit

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Its gray, uncanny features stuck out to you from the darkness that surrounded you, enveloping the entirety of your room. You couldn't look away, you felt yourself stuck, trying to rip away from its sight. 

"Do not be afraid..." you grimace at the sound going to cover your ears as you clenched your eyes shut. It sounded horrible, it's voice was so mangled and wrapped, so much to where it almost sounds muffled in a sense. 

"I'm your guardian angel, your savior, here to protect you" it moved its hand to its chest pressing them together. You wanted to speak so many questions running through your head, yet your fear left the words choked up in the back of your throat, head blank, the only thought bubbling up, 


"I sense your fear" it spoke again, this time, it seemed to be getting closer from the corner of your room. The stretched and wrobbled features disintegrated in the moonlight that was showering upon the creature now at the foot of your bed. 

What stood there, a man, a tall one at that, his golden hair cascaded down his shoulders like a waterfall, his royal blue eyes soft but uncomforting, his face was unreadable as he looked down upon you. Finally managing to muster out a shaken question that fell lightly from your lips 

"What...are you?" The man let a soft smile rest on his face as he moved his hands out. 

"An angel" he spoke, his voice velvet smooth, as if in a dream a pair of wings from behind him admitting a soft glow. Though this man was supposedly a messenger of god and he had vowed to be an angel strictly to protect you, you couldn't help but still feel uneasy like a sense of dread was still hanging in the air, from his presence. He frowned 

"I can feel a sense of uncertainty from you, what is it that is bothering you, love?"

The nickname was supposed to sound reassuring but you felt the exact opposite, it felt condescending to you, but you wouldn't admit that to him. 

"I'm just...confused I guess, I have a lot of questions about you" you said trying your best to maintain a calm composer. He hummed in question, a sign for you to continue 

"Well, first off, what's your name?"

"Gabriel" he said, your tensed body felt the slightest bit at ease, maybe having an unidentified stranger in your home was the only thing keeping you from being able to calm yourself. 

"Why do I need an angel to watch me? Why me, specifically?" you pondered, what made you so special that you had an entity as powerful as an angel watch over you to ensure your safety? Surly there were people who needed that sort of protection more than you, right? Gabriel chuckled softly at your concern 

"I've hand selected a person of interest to keep watch over, however this doesn't mean the safety of others is not important to me."

 it felt like he was lying through his teeth yet you couldn't fully grasp why you doubted him so much. The answer was so vague you couldn't really question it. 

"Gabriel, I'm going to go back to sleep now if you don't mind." you spoke with an unintentional harshness hoping he would get the message. 

"I understand, sleep well y/n" he said. You laid back in your bed turning on your side, facing away from Gabriel as you closed your eyes you could hear him humming lowly, lulling you to sleep. You could feel a pair of icy old lips press against your head. And then the fluttering of wings before you fell asleep. 

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