The bite

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"I like you Stiles. Since you've helped me, I'm going to give you something in return. Do you want the bite?" I look up at Peter, shocked. Seriously? He's offering me the bite?


"Do you want the bite? If it doesn't kill you, and it could, you'll become like us." I almost scoff.

"Like you."

"Yes, a werewolf. Would you like me to draw you a picture? That first night in the woods, I took Scott because I needed a new pack. It could've easily been you. You'd be every bit as powerful as him. No more standing by his side, watching him become stronger, and quicker, more popular, watching him get the girl. You'd be equals. Or maybe more." He grabs my wrist and pulls it up next to his mouth to fast for me to dodge, making me still. "Yes or no?" when I don't answer immediately he lets his fangs drop and goes in to bite, I yank my arm away before he can.

"I don't want to be like you."

"Do you know what I heard just then? Your heart beating slightly faster over the words 'I don't want.' You may believe you're telling the truth, but you are lying to yourself. So it's a good thing I was lying too."

"You- about what?" I ask confused.

"Giving you a choice."

Fear quickly replaces the confusion as Peter darts forward and sinks his teeth into my shoulder. I let out a embarrassingly high pitched noise as pain spreads through my body. I barely notice when Peter leaves, to busy blinking away tears as I clutch at my arm. My breathing is to fast and I know I'm having a panic attack, I've had them before, not for a while, but still. I'm either going to become a flipping werewolf or die! Shit. I bump against something and use it to lower myself to the ground, trying to drag in air to fill my lungs. I put my head into my hands and take deep breaths until I don't feel like I'm going to puke or pass out from air loss, before standing up.

I stumble back against my jeep, I need to go help Scott. I pull my door open and stumble inside, almost dropping my keys as I pull them out. It takes a few seconds for my shaking hands to cooperate enough to get my keys in the ignition. I blink a few times to clear the blurriness in my eyes, before I start to drive. Not the best idea in my condition, but when do I ever let that stop me? I need to get to the Hale house, to Scott. I need to help him, but how? I'm just the weak human, unless I turn, or I'll just be a dead human. God, I don't want to die. I can't leave dad alone. I shake my head. I need to focus. Suddenly I have an idea, I change direction heading straight for the school.


I pull up to the Hale house to a horrifying sight. Peter is fully shifted with Scott crouching in front of him ready to fight and Allison off to the side next to her dad, who's just waking up. I grab the self-igniting Molotov cocktail that I made at the school and practically throw myself out of my car, somehow staying up right. I take a second to aim and then with strength I definitely didn't have before, I throw it. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion as it flies through the air, until it finally hits him, right in the side of the head. He howls in pain clutching his head as he stumbles backwards, thrashing and snarling until he finally falls to the ground, going still and silent. I hold back a gag.

"He's dead." I turn to see Derek walking out of the remains of his house, happy for the distraction from the guy I just killed. Fuck, I just killed a guy.

"What! But... I need him to turn back to a human." Scott exclaims, glaring at Derek like he did anything wrong, before moving his glare towards me. I blink at him confused. Is he seriously going to get angry at me for trying to protect him and accidentality killing the guy he was planning to kill because of what might be a myth?

"We don't know if it would have worked and if it didn't do you really want to become an Alpha? And would you even have been able to kill him in the first place?" I ask, finally finding my voice. He just scoffs and storms away with Allison, who sends me a quick concerned look over her shoulder.

I stare after him willing the tears away before I whirl around, not sure if I'm angry, upset or something else, to get in my car, when I hear a voice behind me say, "You're hurt."

"What?" I croak, clearing my throat as I turn to face Derek, fighting down an embarrassed flush at how close I am to crying.

"I can smell blood." He must mean the bite. Should I tell him? I take a quick look around. Everyone else has already left and Derek actually looks kinda concerned, which means really worried for him. Before I can make up my mind I'm pushed up against my jeep. "What happened?" He growls right in my face. There goes the concern.

"It was Peter," I sigh, giving in.

"What did he do?" he demands.

"He bit me," I rush out.

"He what?" he asks, stepping back in surprise.

"He... bit me."

"Show me." He orders.

I pull down the neck of my shirt to show my shoulder and ask, "How does it look?"

"It's almost gone."

"Wait. So... I'm a werewolf now?"

"Looks like it," he replies and there's an expression on his face I've never seen before and that I have no way to decipher.

"What do I do now?" He thinks for a minute, brows furrowed, before sighing.

"Be here tomorrow at six AM. We'll talk."

He walks away ignoring my complaints about that being too early to be awake and to long to wait for answers. I sigh, giving up once he's out of sight and hop in my car. I can't believe it. I'm a werewolf. A fricking werewolf. I start the drive back while I think. I'm going to do this differently then Scott. He didn't accept it and that only made everything harder for everyone, I'm a werewolf now and I have to learn to live with that. I barely notice as I pull into my driveway and climb up the stairs, into my room and onto my bed, running on autopilot. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, exhausted.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-

I sit up and let out a yawn, scratching an itch on my neck as I stop the alarm. I stumble out of bed and into the bathroom to splash some water on my face to help wake myself up a bit, before drying it with a towel. I pull the towel away and blink open my eyes to the mirror on the wall above the sink. I fall down on my back with a yelp at what I see.

My eyes.

They're red.


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