The bus ride to school

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All the kids were trying to sleep but charming was blaring his lil Wayne me gold chain rap music on his gold boombox . One kid told him to turn it off and he smashed his brains out with a hammer . The bus driver saw and immediately pulled the bus over and started screaming and yelling in fear and shock from what she just saw and all the kids on the bus were screaming too . Charming was still playing his music and just said "what" . The bus driver started to call the cops but charming got out of his seat and started charging at her with his hammer . He began to shatter both of her knees while he was saying "AH YES OH YEAH YOU LIKE THAT HUH HUH HUH HUH ???????!?!!!!?? Well THATS WHAT YOU GET FAT GREEK YOGURT FILLED ZIT TERT BUTTHOLE !!" Then he threw her off the bus and started flooring it down the road . His punk friend named yosef started pouring gasoline all over the inside of the bus then lit it on fire causing the bus to burst into flames blowing it up killing all the kids on the bus instantly . There was however one survivor in critical condition but when he healed that next summer he died of being hit by a car . His body exploded into a million pieces . Well looks like you should have given me what I wanted then.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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