Chapter 2

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The hustle and bustle of New York was a foreign thing to the three brits who walked down the long street.

It was so massively different from London.

The three of them were used to orderly, almost identical houses and cobbled streets not this jumble of different kinds of architecture. Not to mention the train that shot past on the track that towered above their heads.

There was chaos all around.

People shouted at each other, cars honked their obnoxiously loud horns, and horse-drawn carriages rattled down the street and almost ran over everything in their path.

A voice rose above the noise and drew a crowd of people toward the steps of the bank. Newt, Nadia, and Greyson melded into the crowd.

"This great city sparkles with the jewels of man's inventions," The woman's voice was enthralling and it forced one to listen to what she had to say.

Greyson's stomach sank. There was a sense of foreboding about the woman. He could sense a masked cruelty in her. It floated around and filled the air surrounding her. Her anger, and hate, and spite, were so strong he could practically smell it.

"Movie theaters, automobiles, the wireless, electric lights, all dazzle and bewitch us," The woman preached to the crowd as she stood above the crowd. The way she worded the last sentence made Nadia take a closer look at the signs around the crowd. They were sewn in patters of flames with hands breaking a wand. Nadia and Greyson had stopped at the back of the crowd but Newt had continued on and bumped into a woman. She was eating a hotdog and the top part of her lips smeared with a little bit of mustard.

"So sorry," Newt mumbled, then realized the twins weren't with him anymore. It took him a moment to spot them but when he did, his shoulders visibly relaxed and he waved them towards him.

Nadia had a playful expression on her face, it was teasing, and she had an eyebrow raised questioningly. Newt just shook his head in resignation.

"Don't give me that look Nadia. It happens too often for you to be surprised." Newt's voice reminded the twins of candy floss. It was light and floaty, with an undertone of kindness and maddening amounts of sweetness. He was thee kind of person who you couldn't be mean to mom matter how hard you tried and he forced a kind side out of the twins, even if he didn't realize it.

"But where there is light, there is shadow friend. Something is stalking out city, wreaking destruction and then disappearing without a trace!" The woman's voice broke though their conversation and lured their attention back to her, "Listen to me. We have to fight."

A man entered the crowd with his well loved and worn leather case, filled to the brim with pastries. He was on his was to the bank and he needed to get through the crowd.

"Join us, The Second Salemers, in our fight." The woman's call to action was cut short when the man tripped over Newt's case. Neither of the twins had noticed he put it down.

"So sorry. My case," Newt helped steady the man as he brushed himself off.

"No harm done," The man sent a quickly smile at him before picking up his case and continuing on his way.

"You!" The woman who had been talking pointed an accusing finger at Newt.

"Me?" Newt pointed a finger at himself questioningly. He felt anxiety bubbling up in his stomach. He hated being singled out in a public situation. There was so something terrifying about having so many eyes on him at once. He shifted awkwardly on his feet and gripped the handle of his case tighter in the hopes it would relieve some of the anxiety.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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