Ch 2: Temari and...

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The orb glowed, pulsing with Temari's chakra. It took a moment but the screen lit up. Everyone relaxed when it seemed there wasn't any traps as Naruto had thought there would be.

Future Temari looked to be about 16. Her hair was down instead of in her usually quadruple pig tail style. She wore a black kimono. She was walking in a grassy field holding up a miniaturized version of her fan.

"Huh, guess future you isn't in Suna." Kankuro looked at the screen in confusion.

"No, it appears not." Temari was confused. Everything looked so green and lively in comparison to the desert. Where was she?

"Is that the village?" Naruto wondered.

"I think it is." Choji nodded.

"Why would she be in our village?" Shikamaru wondered.

Ino shrugged. "I don't know, but she seems like she knows the way around."

"Where is he....!?" Temari asked herself out loud as she walked, clearly pissed off about something. Then out of nowhere she tripped on something and landed right on top of Shikamaru. When she hit the ground (or rather Shikamaru) their lips touched in a kiss.

Everyones eyes went wide. Naruto and Sasuke had light blushes adorning their cheeks. They slid in opposite directions as much as their seats would allow. If this thing was showing accidental kisses they were kind of scared given their track record.

As for the love birds in question, Temari and Shikamaru's faces went slightly red.

Shikamaru coughed and fidgeted in his seat completely flustered as he had never thought of the troublesome blonde kuinochi as someone he'd ever kiss. Even accidentally. This was troublesome.

Temari looked at the screen in horror, shifting her feet uncomfortably. It was embarrassing enough to trip over her own two feet but to not only fall on the lazy leaf ninja,but to kiss him!? Now that was going to haunt her forever. Not to mention the endless teasing from her brother that would no doubt follow. This couldn't happen.

"Oh I get it! You came to konoha to make out with that guy!" Kankuro called out laughing at his sisters now blushing face both on and off screen. "Great plan, Sis!"

"Get it, Shikamaru!" Ino yelled fist pumping. Completely oblivious to her teammates reddened face.

Naruto's eyes flicked to Sasuke recalling the time that they first kissed. Sasuke must have had the same idea because both their eyes locked. Their blushes worsened.

Temari pulled away immediately while blushing slightly, however she didn't get off him yet.

This action had the younger Temari squint her eyes in confusion. What the hell was her future self doing!? Get off him already!

"What do you want troublesome woman? Couldn't you see I was watching the skies?" Shikamaru asked her, a lazy drawl in his tone.

"Well some things never change." Choji commented munching on a bag of chips he found under his chair.

"Was he expecting her?" Shino wondered.

"He doesn't seem too bothered about that kiss." Kiba noted.

"Should he be?" Naruto wondered. "She's kind of pretty. I wouldn't mind if she kissed me."

"What?" Sakura glared at him.

"She said he wouldn't getting kissed by her." Sasuke eyed her. "What's your problem?"

"Oh," Sakura blinked. "Um, nothing Sasuke."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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