The Rest Of Monday-Wednesday

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Monday continues

As I got to my dreadful work, of course a random person came in so I went over to ask them what they wanted, luckily it was just coffee. Over the next couple of hours it got crazy busy so all you would end up seeing was me spilling at least two cups of coffee all over me. Also, you more than likely would see me running absolutely everywhere.


I might have called in "sick" on Tuesday but in reality I wanted to stay home with michael. He hadn't been doing so well after work yesterday so we both took the day off. All I ended up doing that day was cleaning up the very messy apartment. I really need a new one. Michael was mentioning his new job and all that we could eventually get one outside of the bronx. I told him it was a great idea but for now we should just chill with what we have.


Wednesdays are my normal days off but I was already going to be home anyways. This day in particular I decided it would be fun to continue writing my musical since I hadn't had anything better to do, well besides more cleaning. But who likes cleaning. This day in particular I ended up hitting a slump. I couldn't figure out how the main character's last song should go. It made me frustrated to begin having writer's block this close to the end so I just took a break. For the rest of the day, I went to do my laundry and proceeded to walk up 17 flights of stairs. Maybe that was a bit exaggerated but It sure didn't feel like that. "Damn we really need a new apartment" I complained to Michael as soon as I got home. He just responded with, "I know but we will worry about that later right now just come here." I think he was finally starting to feel better but he never told me.

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