Helping out

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Kaitou was in a rush and he needs someone to help him out with this problem he had but he had no choice to go to Gokuo-kun castle he knock on the door

Gokuo-kun: ohhh hello there  beautiful are you ready for a good time~ *winked at him and lend his hand against the door*

Kaitou: No I don't have time for you

Gokuo-kun: well then why your here if your not here to have fun with me *crossed his arms*

Kaitou: because it's very important and I need someone to help me out

Gokuo-kun: what is it?

Kaitou: well its...we need to go somewhere private because I can say it out in public *grabs his hand*

Gokuo-kun: ohh I see what's going on here~

He grumps and dragged him to a forest

Kaitou: Ok Gokuo-kun your a good listener righ

Gokuo-kun: Eh sort of I guess but I'll listen to you

Kaitou: okay now I need you to get a wolf's tail

Gokuo-kun: a what

Kaitou: a wolf tail I need to make a spell it's secret so take this knife and cut one off

Gokuo-kun: ok I guess strange but ok

He chop off a wolf's tail and gives it to Kaitou but the wolf die quickly

Kaitou: ok a wolf's tail next is a *look at the paper* pink berries and some blueberries

Gokuo-kun: that I can do *dash and got them* here you go

Kaitou put the wolf's tail and berries in his bag

Kaitou: alright next is a bear tooth?

Gokuo-kun: hah these things are easy

He went to a bears cave as the bear growls

Gokuo-kun: *growls back and scares it*

The bear whines as he takes the tooth away from the bear and made it back

Kaitou: wow I'm impressed that your not dead I want you dead *sigh*

Gokuo-kun: awww that's so cute of you to say that *smiles* your a little sweetheart I see

Kaitou: god please let's this nightmare end *whispered and gets the bear tooth* well I got 2 left thank you god

Gokuo-kun: why you say that for

Kaitou: Oh so I don't have to see your face again

Gokuo-kun: heh that's silly of you to say that

Kaitou: grr

He got all the stuff he needed

Kaitou: ok I don't need you anymore so you can leave

Gokuo-kun: awwww but our fun just got started~ *gripped him*

Kaitou: let me go our your dead

Gokuo-kun: awww your so cute when your being violent and angry it's cute~ *try to kiss him*

Kaitou: Back off you weirdo

Gokuo-kun: come on give me a kiss and I'll let you go~

He nodded and gives him a kiss on the cheek and dashed out of this

Gokuo-kun: Ohhhh he gave me a cheek kiss😍💗 my dreams does come true

He felled out and landed on the ground feinted with love.

Liar Gokuo-kun x Kaitou OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now